Fight! Oh Nana Desu

A loud crash from outside the room cut her off. Yumi turned around, her hand instinctively flying to the hilt of a short sword hidden beneath her robes, the blade seemed to coated with purple. The room plunged into sudden darkness as the lights flickered and died.

Haruto wondered where she hid that sword in her white kimino.

"Stay here," she hissed, her voice hardening with a barely concealed tesnion. "Don't move."

Before Haruto could react, Yumi was a blur, her white kimono disappearing into the shadows like a wisp of smoke.

He sat there, frozen, the teacup is the only sound as it clattered to the floor, shattering into a million pieces. And sometime it seemed like it was happening for million times

Panic clawed at his throat as the silence outside was broken by a series of shouts and the unmistakable clash of steel. His arms tensed at the thought of something bizzare going on after visiting the park.

He is not getting answers anyway, so why bother, just go with the flow, he thought.

Suddenly, the paper screen separating the tea room from the hallway ripped open, showering Haruto with a flurry of white petals.

Two figures emerged, their forms shrouded in darkness. They were tall and slender, with a well endowed chest and their faces obscured by long, flowing white hair. Their expression are cold and he felt atmosphere turning cold. His body is getting cold except a certain part of him getting warm by watching those girls

 These weren't ordinary women . Their unearthly beauty and the inhuman chill that radiated from them sent shivers down his spine. 

"There!" one rasped, her voice like ice scraping against stone. "The one who dared assault the princess!

Haruto scrambled back, his heart hammering against his ribs with high tension and his head is becoming warm and his breathing become erratic and his mind fuzzy.

"I feel sleepy" Haruto said with a drool as he looked at the women. 

Haruto didn't whether he is horny or drowsy. But he felt hungry for some reason. Maybe the park, or yumi drugged him. He didn't have clear idea.

But a nerve twitched on his mind and somehow he felt normal as if he is completly free from any drowsiness or he don't feel much horny anymore.

"This is the first time I fee- " Haruto tried to say

The ice women#2 tried to argue "You! You pay for killing our pri-" 

"Shut up just because you look hot doesn't give you free pass to intrrupt me." Haruto stated

The ice women screeched in unison, their translucent claws glinting menacingly. "Silence, mortal! You bear the mark!"

Haruto rolled his eyes, a touch of amusement creeping into his voice. "Oh, this mark?"

He gestured to a faded birthmark on his shoulder. "It's just a birthmark, bimbo. Not some magical murder warrant."

The ice woman#1 faltered, their icy demeanor cracking slightly. "But… the princess said…"

 Could these be the protectors Yumi had mentioned? But why did they call him their princess' attacker?

"Wait!" another voice cut through the tense silence. It was Yumi, her short sword glinting faintly in the moonlight that streamed through a broken window.

She stood protectively in front of Haruto, her voice laced with defiance. "He's not who you think he is! There's been a misunderstanding!"

The two figures advanced, their pale eyes gleaming with a predatory hunger. "A misunderstanding?" one scoffed. "He bears the mark! The mark of the Akagi bloodline!"

"It could have easily been his sister you know. He is not the only one who has the mark " Yumi tried to argue back.

Her argument fell on deaf ears. With a shared snarl, the women launched a coordinated attack. Yumi danced, deflecting blows with her sword, but one attacker managed to slip past her defenses.

A wave of bone-chilling cold washed over Haruto as an icy claw swiped at him, leaving a stinging welt on his arm. The cold seeped into his bones, sapping his strength and making him feel like he was stuck in a walk-in freezer.

Panic surged through him. He wasn't some hero; he was just a regular guy who liked video games and they are some monsters. . Yet, here he was, caught in the middle of a battle between an angry princess (well, maybe not a princess) and her frosty bodyguards.

The other attacker lunged at him, her claws aimed for his chest. But before she could connect, Yumi intervened. With a desperate yell, she slammed her shoulder into the attacker, sending her sprawling. However, the impact left Yumi staggering back, her breath ragged.

"Run!" Yumi yelled at Haruto, her voice strained. "Get out of here!"

"I am trying. Do you think I would stay here and fight...Nonsense, I am now accused of killing someone who I don't know and I won't ask for details since no one explains properly " Haruto said as he ran and entered into a nearby building he could find

The ice woman Yumi was locked in combat with snarled, her voice like nails scraping a chalkboard. "Silence, mortal! You bear the mark, a clear sign of your guilt!"

Haruto scoffed, a humorless sound that escaped his chattering teeth. "Mark? Guilt? You frosty ladies need a reality check! Even I don't know what I did."

Yumi blocks the claws and spoke "Haruto wasn't a monster like you wretch. He may be crazy and has bad manners but he doesn't deserve to killed by your kind " she gut punched her and stabbed her with 

The other ice woman, momentarily distracted by Haruto's outburst, lunged at him with a ferocious yell. He squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for it untill

"Like hell I am staying at one place " Haruto changed his mind and decided to look for alternatives.

He didn't have a plan, just a desperate need to do something, anything.

The ground shuddered, and the building lurched precariously. Haruto stumbled back, heart pounding, as a cloud of dust engulfed him. Through the haze, he saw a glint of metal – a weapon stuck in the ground.

Squinting, he made his way towards it, his fingers brushing against the cool metal. It was a shakujo, a staff weapon he'd vaguely seen in a historical documentary once. The staff felt surprisingly light in his hand, despite the metal spearhead at its end.

Suddenly, the ground began to rumble . The ice women, shaken but not defeated, had recovered. With a chilling unison, they unleashed a combined icy blast, aiming to shatter the remaining support beams and bring the entire building crashing down on them

Haruto's heart lurched. He tried to escape the buliding in time but he couldn't as he realized the buliding has one way out and it's the front door and other is 2nd floor with spikes under the landings, so he raised the staff and sat down clutched trying to minimize damage " Why our school hasn't taught us safety precautions for crashing buliding" 

 *Fuush* *Boom*

The buliding rumbled and everything fell violent as if to crushing but the spear tore it apart in two therby protecting him but not completly.

" These rocks hurt " Of course some of the rocks fell in his body hurt very much than he thought. He hand is injured from the heavy rock.

"Wait, rocks? That doesn't make sense," he mumbled, confusion battling with the growing ache in his body. The wooden frame wouldn't have produced rocks.

One of the ice women lay sprawled on the ground, immobilized by a thick beam that had pinned her leg. Her face contorted in a mask of fury and agony, icy blue tendrils emanating from her body flickering erratically. The other ice woman, however, wasn't here standing before him

As the dust settled, a horrifying realization dawned on Haruto. The ice woman stood a cruel smirk twisting her lips.

"Fool," she spat, her voice dripping with icy venom. "Do you think I am stupid enough to rely solely on brute force? Ice is a substance which can change shapes, turning wood into deadly projectiles to crush you like a pathetic bug."

"How does it makes sense" Haruto asks

"We can manipulate the very essence of water, and guess what? Wood has a significant amount of water content. Even a little amount of water makes wonder" The ice woman smiled sadistically

In her hand, she clutched a small, intricate device that pulsed with a faint blue light.

"I want to use toilet " Haruto asked

"No" she replied while maintaining the expression on her face

Haruto flinched, fear threatening to consume him. But before the onslaught could connect, a figure slammed into him, sending them both tumbling to the floor. She looked like she could collapse any moment

"Why are you shielding me!" Haruto yelled, pushing himself up. "You're injured!"

Yumi winced, but her voice remained firm. "You may not understand" she gasped,

"But I don't want you to die. I may have hated you at first, thinking you were a nuisence, but you're my friend, my clubmate… and I treasure those time and don't want you to be gone. You matter to me" Yumi responsed while panting

Anger and confusion warred within Haruto. "What do you mean hated?I wasn't that bad, was I?" he demanded, but before Yumi could answer, the remaining ice woman loomed over them, a triumphant sneer twisting her lips.

"Fools! You think you've won? This is but a temporary setback! I, Freya, daughter of the Frost Yuna a brave yuki Onna, have endured worse! I was banished from my own kind for daring to question the rigid hierarchy of the Ice Court! But I will not be silenced! I will car- "

"*AAUGH....How" She screamed in pain to realize that haruto has stabbed her while she is trying to charge her attack.

"Time is precious," Haruto replied as he answered that while Freya continued her tirade, Haruto saw his chance and utilized it. 

"And you wasted yours talking."

Sure, I was worried but haruto finally made it