I got a wife

Haruto persisted on hailing from Akagi family but Yumi has her disbeliefs. Haruto decided to calm down and relax after straining himself from the fight.

The news of Haruto's yielding the spear staff spread like wildfire through the clan. Haruto didn't understand why they overreact him yielding the spear, it wasn't that difficult to pick it up. Maybe it was important spear.

Masao Hayakawa, his eyes gleaming , addressed. "This spear," he boomed, his voice echoing through the training grounds

"has remained unclaimed for generations. It can only be wielded by someone with the purest intentions and the strength to carry its power. Today, Haruto has proven himself worthy."

"It wasn't that great to be honest " Haruto exclaimed trying to brush him off

Masao turned to Yumi,. "Yumi, as the clan head, it is your duty to ensure the safety and well-being of our people. . Therefore, I propose a union – a marriage between you and Haruto."

"What " Haruto asked confused, he didn't expect it.

Yumi's jaw dropped. "Marriage? Father, are you serious?" she sputtered, with her fiery attitude,

"I barely know much about him, and besides, I—"

"Wasn't I your classmate " Haruto protested

Masao held up a hand, silencing her. "This is not about your personal feelings, Yumi. It is about the future of our clan. Haruto's potential is undeniable, and together, you can be a force for good, a beacon of hope in these uncertain times."

Haruto, still bewildered, looked at Yumi. He saw a storm of emotions brewing in her fiery eyes – anger, confusion, a flicker of something… else? Was she that against marrying him.

Taking a deep breath, he surprised himself by speaking up. "I understand this is sudden," he said, his voice surprisingly steady,

"but if this union will help protect your clan, then I accept." Haruto said while teasing her

Yumi glared at him, her lips pursed in a tight frown. But before she could voice her vehement objection, Masao placed a hand on her shoulder, his gaze unwavering. Yumi, to Haruto's astonishment, seemed to deflate slightly.

"Fine! I w-will marry you. It's not like I like you or agree you being my husband though " She stated while glaring at haruto with daggers.

"It will be alright " Haruto tries to reassure her.

"Hmph " Yumi coldly ignored him and left. Haruto was awestruck by her attitude.

"Why she has to be stubborn? " Haruto sighed.

"She can bit hotheaded but she will eventually warm upto you, son. Do you want more about my daughter " Masao asked haruto, while haruto was confused by his sudden attitude

"Son? Why " Haruto asked.

"Well, you are going to be my daughter's husband, so; I guess it's fair to call you 'son'. " Masao replied smiling.

Haruto is still a bit taken aback by that attitude. "Woah I mean, you realize what is marrying mean right, I might take your daughter away from you. " Haruto tried to word it correctly but he failed, what he meant to ask masao is that won't he be jealous that his daughter spends less time with him

Masao sighed and replied " To be fair, I know that eventually a day will arrive where I have to leave my daughter in care of a boy, and that boy happened to be you. To be frank I am more worried about her not getting any man and turn into single woman with doznes of cats around her. " Masao said as he shivered at the mental image of yumi spending her days alone

"I HEARD THAT " Yumi screamed from far. Yumi is not visible to them but she can hear and scream at will, spending a long life with her made haruto get headache and amazement. It is both curse and boon.

"What a sad husband life, I will have with her " Haruto said dejected.

"Look...Look, Yumi isn't that bad. Hey, cheer up, she will soften up. Take deep breaths " Masao suggested as he placed his hand on haruto shoulder and reassured him.

"Ok " Haruto said with a blank face.

"Ok son, listen. Tonight I want you to.." Masao started whispering in Haruto's ear about yumi basic quirks and they both had lengthy discussion.

After talking for a while, haruto has noticed that it is nearly evening and almost night, he seemed bit hungry.

"Alright, that's all for now," Masao concluded, patting Haruto's back.

"Now, why don't you head to the dining hall and grab a bite to eat? I'll talk with Yumi."

Haruto watched him afar while trying to observe their reactionsMasao then turned towards the training grounds where Yumi stood, arms crossed and lips pursed in a frown. He cleared his throat and called out, "Yumi! Dinner time, my dear."Yumi rolled her eyes dramatically

. "Ugh, fine. But don't expect me to cook," she grumbled.As Haruto entered the dimly lit dining hall, the smell of roasting meat and vegetables filled his nostrils. His stomach growled even louder,.

He settled down at a large table.Moments later, Masao entered, followed reluctantly by Yumi defiance, and she avoided eye contact with Haruto altogether. Masao, pulled out a chair for her at the opposite end of the table

."Alright, Yumi," Masao began cheerfully, clapping his hands together.

"Tonight, we have a special guest – our soon-to-be son-in-law, Haruto! Why don't you whip up a pot of fresh rice to go with these delicious dishes?"

Yumi's scowl deepened. "Absolutely not! I'm not his servant, and I certainly don't cook for strangers." Her voice dripped with icy disdain, sending coldness down Haruto's spine despite the warm temperature of the hall.

Masao sighed, flickering in his eyes. "Yumi, dear, this is tradition. As the future head of the household, it's your duty to prepare meals for your husband."Yumi scoffed.

"Like I'll ever accept him as my husband! This whole thing is ridiculous." She crossed her arms defiantly, her fiery gaze bouncing between Haruto and her father.

Haruto felt a surge of awkwardness hang heavy in the air. He wasn't sure what to say or do. "Look " He tried to injerect

"Huh? " She coldly scoffed.

"Your attitude is bad, and the way you are reluctant is fine. But " Haruto continuned.

"The way you treat guests like me, especially at dinners is a huge contradiction of how you are. You are someone whose pride is following your tradition and yet you throw a fit when asked to cook a simple pot of rice. You are a just a poser who keeps apperances " Haruto tried to comeback with adding to fire.

"Huh? You do you want me to deep fry your brain, so that it could have some sense " Yumi got red with anger and tried to throw the ricecooker.

Sensing the tension, Masao intervened with a playful smile. "Now, now, Yumi. Let's not spoil Haruto's first dinner as part of the family. How about we compromise? You help me set the table, and I'll handle the rice myself." It didn't help much to reduce the tension in the end.

"It's different when it's for a stranger," Yumi's lips pressed into a thin line, she muttered, avoiding eye contact.

"Am I really a stranger, Yumi?" Haruto countered, his voice taking on a softer tone.

"We were classmates, remember? And besides, maybe this whole thing is not that bad. I don't know why you hate me that much."

"I want to eat the food of the wife I cherish, but she is a huge jerk sometimes. " He continued.Yumi remained silent for a moment, processing his words.

The anger hadn't completely dissipatedMasao, sensing a shift in the conversation, decided to seize the opportunity. "Exactly, Yumi! Why not try to make the best of it? Who knows, maybe Haruto here enjoys a good bowl of burnt rice?" he said with a playful wink.

Haruto chuckled nervously, "Hey, Hey that's too much. Well, I wouldn't say enjoy, but—"The sentence was too strong and risky to refute for haruto, that is the end of haruto's debating skills.

Masato was a worthy opponent.Before he could finish, Yumi let out a frustrated groan. "Fine! But don't expect a Michelin star meal." She marched towards the cupboard, grabbing a rice cooker and slamming it down on the counter with more force than necessary.

Masao grinned, relieved to have diffused the situation for now. "Excellent! Now, while Yumi graces us with her culinary expertise, why don't you tell me more about yourself, Haruto?"

"How much you want to know about me, you aren't my wife old man, you know " Haruto argued

.As Haruto launched into his story, Yumi started measuring rice with a scowl that did little to hide the hint of a blush creeping up her cheeks

.'Wife I cherish'.his words echoed on her mind

Perhaps yumi wouldn't serve burnt rice to him this night. She placed the well cooked rice with a hmph and urged him to finish every grain of it