
Chapter 2: Why it's have to be like this?

"Are you nervous, Rei? You think you will be alright?" Rei just got back from America with her mother a week ago. Her mother keeps asking her if she will be fine and everything. "Mother, you worry too much. I will be fine. Don't worry, okay?" After they're having breakfast, Rei and Yu left the house with Rei's personal assistant.

"(yawn~) I'm still feel sleeping~. Hey sis, are you sure you will be okay? I don't want to be like mother, but still it's concern me." When she heard that her little sister is worried about her," Yeah, I will be fine. I know everyone is worried about me, I appreciate it, and you should sleep early, last night. Don't play video games for too long. You're still in middle school, I hope you know how to arrange your time between playing video games and study." Yu not expecting that her big sister knows about her play video game last night. "Teehee. Don't worry, sister. So far, I manage it so well. After all, I'm your little sister, right Misha?" Rei's personal assistant startled because of the sudden question towards her. "Yes. I guess." When Yu heard Misha's answer, "Why there has a 'I guess' behind your answer, Misha." Misha and Rei laugh because Yu it's so cute when she sulks. 

After they drop Yu off at her school, Rei says something to Misha, "Misha, please stop the car not too far from school. I will be walking from there to school." When she heard about Rei's order, "I'm sorry, Miss Rei. I can't do that. Today is your first day, so please allow me to make a first impression about you to all students at school." Rei confused and feels weird about Misha said. "I need to send you off in front of the school, I need to see all the angels from your school. Besides, your mother told me to drop you off exactly in front of the school." 

"I see, so that's your motives. You want to pleasure your eyes with all the students at my school." Rei not annoys with Misha because Misha like a cute and pretty stuff include a person. Misha just being herself. "He-he, I'm not going to deny that." The difference between her and Misha is Misha always being honest with her feeling, but not for Rei. Rei found that it's difficult to be honest with her feelings. "I'm glad your personality doesn't change after you break up with your ex-girlfriend. When you found a new girlfriend, you will forget about her, Misha." That's what always happened to the relationship. 'People come and go in your life', that what Rei thinks.

When they still keep on talking, Rei remember that her mother asks Misha to drop her off exactly in front the school, her mother really worried about her. "I don't know mother will be such a worry wart person. I already told her that I will be fine." Misha smiled after she heard that Rei tells her about her mother. "Your mother loves you, Rei. She doesn't want anything bad to happen to you." Rei realizes that her mother still loves her same as usual, even after what happened in the past.

When they arrived, Rei looks outside from car windows and saw many students looking at her car. She confused, "Why are they looking at this way?" After she asked Misha, "Maybe because they know that you're Aihara's daughters." Rei forgot about her family background and her. "Ah, I forgot this is how it used to be. Suddenly, I miss my 'peace life' in America." Misha laughs about that and said to Rei 'Welcome to Japan.' When she wants to out from the car, she suddenly saw a face that she knows from the past.

"If I'm not mistaken, is that Nagihara and Adogawa in the picture when your mother shows me in America?" Rei still can't believe what she saw just now. "Y…yes, why they are here?" Misha feels uneasy, but at the same time she's feels glad about these unexpected encounters. "Miss Rei, it will be fine. Just be yourself." Rei inhale and exhale to make herself calm down. "Okay, I feel better now. Thank you, Misha." Misha feels that Rei's mother knows about this. She hopes Rei will be fine. "No problem, Miss Rei. I will open the door for you." Misha getting out from the car and open the passenger seat door. 'Why? Why you need to be here when I don't want to see you, Suzuna.' 

When she already outside the car, the students still looking at her but the way they look at her not in the weird way. She feels like their ayes is full of admired for the students who knows about her background but for the students don't know about her, just staring at her with curiosity. She just walks to the locker until she saw Suzuna and Sara. When she saw them, she just ignored them. Rei hopes that they will not meet so often at school.

Sara called Suzu for the multiple times but Suzu not pay attention to her. When Sara touched her shoulders, Suzu came back to the reality. Suzu still cannot believe that they will attend the same high school. 

When they enter the classroom, Suzu's eyes meet Rei's eyes. They don't expect that they will be a classmate.