
Chapter 6.

When they enter the classroom, Suzu don't see Rei at her desk. She just thought that maybe Rei going to be late to school today but she's wrong. "Today, Aihara are absent because she's not feeling well. Nagihara, I will put you in charge of printing out or taking notes today's lesson to give to Aihara, Is that okay?" She nodded, Suzu feels a bit worried about Rei. The incident in hallway back then came to her mind. 'Is it the same reason?'

"Her house should be right here but where?" When she looking for Rei's house, she saw the name 'Aihara property', When she looked at the house, "Woah! this is her house? This mansion?" After she dozing off a bit because she was surprised, she pressed the button for the intercom. 'This is my first time going to her house after a long time. Oh my god, I'm so nervous. I wish Sarah can come with me but she already has another plan.' Someone answer the intercoms and asked her identity. "I'm a classmate of Aihara Rei, I want to give a note for today's lesson. Can I meet her?" She got startled because the voice who's answering the intercom is not the same person, she knows that voice. "Why do I need to meet you? If you want pass the note, just give it to my maid." When she heard that, her face changed "O-okay." Rei looks at the CCTV, she sees that Suzu face is kind of sad. "Wait, (sigh) okay, you can come in." After she heard that, her face changed again, but not the sad one; it's a happy one. 'Look at you, how fast your face changed to happy face just because of that.' Without her notice, she got a smile on her face. 

"Sorry for my intrusion." After she get in, someone approach her and tells her to follow,' I guess, this one of her family maids.' She follows the maid to one room. When she enters the room, she looks at that room; it's full of books, music instrument and game console. The maid leaves her alone in that room. When she looked around in that room, she saw a few drawing "I think this room belongs to Rei. If I'm not mistaken, all of this are Rei's favourite hobby." Suzu thought that she was alone in that room but, -"I don't know that you still remember about that and how are you so sure ?" Suzu is surprised when someone talk to her from behind. When she turned behind, it was Rei at study table while looking at her. She got nervous, "I'm sorry to show up so suddenly. I thought I'm alone in this room." Rei stands up from the study table and goes to the single sofa. "No, you're not. I already spent many hours in this room until someone said that she wanted to meet me." Rei looks at her while she tells Suzu to sit down and straighten out the reason why she needs to meet her. After she sit down, one of the maids in the mansion enters the room to serve the tea. 

After the maid left the room, Rei drinks her tea and read a book. "So, whatever the reason that you need to meet me, don't keep me asking you with the same question. Don't waste your time and mine." Suzu looks at her but Rei don't look at Suzu at all, her eyes just focus to the book in her hand. Suzu takes a deep breath before she starts answer Rei's question. "I want to meet you because I need to discuss this with you. About incident in hallway, I saw you take medicine. What happened to you? What medicine do you take? Why I don't know anything? We used to be close for each othe-" Rei interrupted before she finished her sentences, "Wow, I don't know that you have so many questions. I will give you one answer, the answer is that's not your business." When she heard the answer, "Of course it is my business! I'm your friend!" when she looks at Rei, "Are we? Since when? I don't quite remember about that." 

In her mind, she can't believe that Rei will say something that can hurt her heart, it's so suffocating in there. "We are friends until you start to bully me in middle school. I will be honest with you right now, back then it's really hurt to know that you suddenly change but I know, you will not do something like that without a reason. I remember you start to change again when I said that I hate you. You stop bullying me and suddenly you stop go to the school. It's like you do it on purpose. You don't want to bully me back then but you have to, you want me to hate you. Am I right?" silent no response, "When I got know you are absent today, I'm worried about you. I thought the reason of your absent because of the same what happened at the hallway. Actually, I'm happy to know we're in the same high school. I'm happy to see you again. Can we-" Suzu look at Rei again, Rei's face doesn't look good, it's pale. Suzu asked her but no response. When Suzu want to get close, "Don't come closer. Enough. You can go home, now." Suzu don't know what to do but follow what Rei said. Before she left the room, Rei said something to her. "It's not going to be easy for both of us. I want you to remember that."