Chapter 10: Truth

After everyone manage to take out Gaoru type Zero , Seo look at the corpse of Zero with the mixed expression of sadness and relief as he and the others start to feel another earthquake and soon after , a giant tower with the shape of round pillar rise from the sea at the center of 4 buildings.

Seo: "That's finally here."

On the next day , everyone has gathered together for the funerals of Fudo , Kojima and all members of group 3 involve during the massacre. Few moments later , Seo and Tozen are helping each other to clean up Fudo's office. At the same time , Minami and Katashi are laying on their respective bed at the dorm while Varmoth and the girls are hanging out at the shopping market. At the dorm , Katashi walk to Minami who lay down on his bed so he lean on the wall beside him.

Katashi: "Hey , how you're doing ?"

Minami: "My chest still hurt from that creature's kick. So what's up ?"

Katashi: "I wonder....with everything we've been experience throughout our scout at 3 different buildings , a dangerous Gaoru appear at the Sanctuary we barely survive and now a tower rise from the sea that reach to the sky. Don't you think there's something happen in this world that our leader didn't want us to know about ?"

Minami: "Now that you mention it , you're right. Something feel off about him."

Katashi: "Maybe we should check it on his office. He rarely use that place so we could find some useful information and discuss with him about it."

Minami: "But isn't it kinda crossing the line ?. He help us many times , you know."

Katashi: "I'll take full responsibility for this and apologize to him when we talk to him about this."

Minami sigh then;

Minami: "Okay then..."

Thus they planning to sneak inside Seo's office to find out what kind of info he's hiding from them.

Meanwhile , The trio of girls are hanging out in the restaurant at shopping market where they're having lunch. Varmoth is enjoying her meal when she look at both Cupid and Mizuki who feel under the cloud from yesterday. Varmoth is concern for them then suddenly , she have an idea of a place where she and these two girls will enjoy so she ask;

Varmoth: "You guys , do you two want to come with me after this ?"

Mizuki and Cupid are confuse but they agree to come with her after the lunch. Moment later;

Mizuki: "Are you sure about this ?"

Cupid: "I'm really amaze with the structure of this place."

Varmoth: "C'mon , let's get in. You're going to enjoy this."

They finally arrive at a place called a bath house where everyone can take bath together in two separate genders.

Few moments later , they finally enter the bath after they wash their body and relax in the bath.

Mizuki: "Aah , my body feel so refreshing now."

Cupid: "Indeed , I feel so relief after the exhaustion we had from yesterday so thank you very much for bringing us here , Varmoth-chan."

Varmoth: "It's fine , I'm really glad that you two are having fun to relax in here."

As they relax in the bath , Varmoth begin to change the topic into an interesting talk.

Varmoth: "So , I've been wondering..."

Mizuki: "Hmm ?"

Cupid: "What is it ?"

Varmoth: "Do you have someone you're interested on ?"

Mizuki & Cupid: "Eh...?"

Both of them are in thought.

Mizuki: "I guess Minami-san have been nice to me a lot. But , that thought never reach to the point of him as lover."

Cupid: "Well , I don't have any thought about it. So , I don't have someone that I'm interested."

Mizuki: "Then , what about you , Varmoth-chan ?"

Varmoth: "Ehh..."

She suddenly remember that day were she spend together with Seo during their day off back then.

Varmoth: "W-Well...I uh..hmm.."(=///=)

Mizuki and Cupid soon begin to know that she probably had someone in mind then begin get closer and tease her.

Varmoth: "Wait , what are you two doing ?" ( o///o)"

Mizuki: "Spill it , Varmoth-chan. I know you had someone you like."

Varmoth: "I don't have someone , really" (>///<)

Cupid: "Aww , be honest with us."

Varmoth: "W-Wait...s-stop..."

As they keep on teasing her body;

Varmoth: "Ahh~♡"

Cupid & Mizuki: "Ah..." (•///•)

Varmoth quickly cover her mouth with her hands as she realize what she has done. Mizuki and Cupid feel guilty about it then;

Mizuki: "I think we should get out of the bath now."

Cupid: "You're right. We should get going now."

Varmoth: "We're not done yet..."

Both of them flinch then turn around to see Varmoth lift her hands with lewd gestures.

Varmoth: "It's my turn now." ( òwó)

Mizuki & Cupid: "Eep!!!"

As the wind blew across the bath house's great exterior , sound of moaning from both girls could be heard inside.

Meanwhile , Minami and Katashi looking around Seo's office to find any document or info that is consider important. After searching each drawers and closets , they weren't able to find anything until Minami accidently hit one of the files then it pour some papers out of it then landing it everywhere near them. Minami begin to collect all the paper as Katashi help him until he is about to grab the last paper that were under the office table that he notice something under the drawer.

Minami: "Katashi-san , come over here."

Katashi: "Did you find something ?"

Katashi walk toward the office table and look under the drawer. He too , see a small journal that has been taped up under it. He begin to rip out the tape then take it out and open the journal. They keep strolling around the pages and they surprise that the content of the journal they found are important than they expected.

Minami: "Should we discuss it with Seo-san."

Katashi: "I guess that's the only choice we had left."

Soon , they get out from Seo's office and start to find him regarding the small journal they found.

At the same time , the girls walk around the market area after the bath house incident where Varmoth happen to find Seo who stand near the safety rail at the end of the area where he view the sea. She try to greet him when she cross path with Minami and Katashi.

Varmoth: "Oh goodness. You guys scared me. Why are you guys here ?"

Minami: "There's something we would like to ask Seo-san."

Katashi: "Just come with us , we have found his journal under his office table and ask him about it."

Mizuki: "Isn't that a breach of privacy ?"

Cupid: "You're wasn't supposed to do that , you know."

Katashi: "I know...I know. I apologise to him later. So let's go to him."

Everyone are finally arrive where Seo is then;

Minami: "Seo-san."

Seo: "Oh , I didn't expect all of you are here. Do you need something from me ?"

Katashi: "Well , we would like to ask you regarding this..."

Katashi take out the journal they found then put it on the table bench in front of Seo. Seo recognize the journal that Katashi presented then he become serious and sit down on the sitting bench.

Seo: "It seems that it's about time I have tell you...the truth...about this world."

Varmoth: "The truth..."

Seo: "This actually exist between the world of living and the world of afterlife. Only few selected souls who died by exceptional circumstances are chosen by the so called 'Death' to give them an only chance to reborn into the next life. But the path toward it is not that easy as the 'Death' build this world that filled with hideous creatures that craved for human flesh. The only way to get out of this world is defeat the guardians of each buildings then a tower rise from the crimson sea where its final test take place. So that tower that we saw just now , is the only way to return back to our world."

Everyone are silence. Then Minami ask;

Minami: "What are you saying !? , souls ? , died by exceptional circumstance ? , are you saying we all died in the past this whole time and trap in here only to be kill by those monster out there !?.

Seo: "I'm sorry...I know that's a lot to process abou-"

Minami walk away before Seo finish his sentence.

Varmoth: "Minami-san..."

Seo: "Let him be. I should have told him sooner. I'm really sorry."

Katashi pat on his shoulder.

Katashi: "It's okay. You did help us all during our time in need. We'll wait till everything calm down for now."

Seo: "Yeah..."

Thus the truth behind the world they live in has finally been reveal.

(End of Episode 10)