Chapter 11: Tower to Heaven

On the next day , Minami walk aimlessly around the Sanctuary until he reach at the rooftop where he walk near the edge of it. He then look at his right hand which he hold the necklace with the shape of 4 sides star and look at the tower that reach the sky above.

Minami: "Ren-san.....what do you think I should do...if only you were here....."

He keep look at the tower as the wind blew gently through him. At the same time , Varmoth is in the process of wearing up her clothes at women's locker room then she look at the hanging mirror at the back of the locker door and she try to reflect herself as she look at the eyes of her own reflection. Katashi is in the dojo for self meditation while Mizuki is watering some plants at the Sanctuary's newly built garden and Cupid is helping out the nurses at the infirmary. Meanwhile as they're doing their own pace , Seo and Tozen are standing near the bridge that connect between the Sanctuary and the tower.

Tozen: "It's been so long since we try to escape this world but ended up failed."

Seo: "Well , it's not everyone fault due to our mistake in judgment on that day."

Tozen: "Anyway , when will we execute the plan ?"

Seo: "When everyone are ready enough to put everything on the line."

Tozen: "That's sound pretty vague to me."

At the same time at the containment area , two members of the containment group are doing their task to dispose the corpse of type Zero Gaoru by cremating it into the specialize cremation chamber for Gaoru. Once they arrive at the cremation chamber , type Zero's body is already been prepare on the stroller that only left for cremating it. One of the containment members walk toward the body to check up on it while the other one open the chamber's hatch and heats up the inside of it.

Containment member #1: "Man , look at this thing. They sure did the number on it to take it down huh ?."

Containment member #2: "Come on , stop touching it and get this over with. I just want to go somewhere for a drink after finishing this."

As they having the conversation , the eyes of type Zero are suddenly open and wake up as they wasn't aware of it behind them. It then growl;

Containment member #1: "Hey , did you hear something ?"

Containment member #2: "What ?"

They slowly turn around only to be terrified as it stand tall in front of them. Everything end as they scream in pain far away from where everyone at.

Seo and Tozen still in their discussion when they suddenly hear the sound of doors that are broken down by Zero as it escape near them. It finally encounter them then its body begin to shiver as its wounds from earlier start to regenerate.

Seo: "It can heal...?"

Tozen: "Unbelievable."

Zero manage to fully heal itself by regenerating then it begin to roar so loud it can be heard in all 4 buildings. As everyone in Seo's group heard the roar , they soon rush over where Seo at. Once they arrive and gathered , they see Seo and Tozen are trying to fend off Zero and run to help them.

Varmoth: "Seo-san."

Seo: "Go to that tower now. We don't have that much time left."

As Seo finish his sentence , all Garou from 3 buildings begin to rush over to the Sanctuary and begin to attack everyone in sight after they heard the call from Zero. Varmoth and the others begin to run on the bridge toward the tower while Seo and Tozen protecting them at the back as both of them walk backward toward the tower defending themselves against armies of Gaoru. The others are finally reach to the entrance of the tower then get inside to climb up many stairs until they reach to the upper floor where they see an elevator at the opposite of them. Seo and Tozen soon catch up with them as the armies of Gaoru wasn't arrive yet. Minami proceed to run toward the elevator then press the button and the elevator open its door. The group then get inside waiting for Seo and Tozen but Zero suddenly jump out and land behind both of them.

Tozen: "Quick , we need to get into that elevator."

Seo: "Right."

Seo run toward the elevator then goes inside with his group but he turn around to see Tozen is not making his run toward them. As the elevator automatically about to close its door;

Tozen: "I'm sorry..."

Seo: "No !!!"

He try to run back out but the door is already close shut and begin to move up toward the top of the tower leaving Tozen behind at the upper floor. Meanwhile at the upper floor , Tozen look at the elevator and turn around to face against Zero one last time. He begin to adjust his glasses and take out the grenade off his pocket then take off its pin. He begin to walk slowly toward Zero as he hold the grenade;

Tozen: "Look like I won't be able to make it out of here and stuck with you."

He give Zero a smile then;

Tozen: "Let's end this , Kyousuke..."

He proceed to run to Zero as it begin to attack him. But the grenade that he hold start to have a big explosion and killing them both instantly. As Zero blown into ashes , all Gaoru begin to stop its function and immediately died.

At the elevator , Seo were kneel down in sadness for another lost of his friend. Soon , Minami give him his hand and help him get up. He then look at his group and it tells him that he still have one more task left so he get over his sadness and become serious as he and his group look above where the light start to shine toward them.

(End of Episode 11)