Chapter 12

Once the elevator reach at the top of the tower , they were blinded by a ray of light. Soon after , when the light start to fade , they look around to see that they are standing on a very wide platform.

Minami: "Are we the top of the tower ?"

Cupid: "I can see the clouds below us."

Mizuki: "There even have a sun among the sky too."

As they were amaze with the view , Varmoth see Seo just standing without even move a step so she ask;

Varmoth: "Seo-san ?...."

Seo: "He's here..."

He look to his left only to see a dark being appear out of thin air. It soon start to make a shape then complete to turn itself into a death being similar to that of the Grim Reaper.

Death: "Greetings , wanderers of this world. You have finally reached to the top of this tower. All Gaoru and the guardians of this world has been defeated which lead all of you to the final test."

Katashi: "Final test ?"

Death: "Yes , and it will be-"

As Death is about to explain he recognized one person among them.

Death: "Oh , if it isn't Seo Leonard , or should I say Ootori Seo. Who would have thought that fate has brought me to meet you again after hundreds of years."

Seo: "It's been a long time , indeed."

Death: "Hmm , look like you have made some friends on your journey along the way. I wonder if tragedy will repeat itself again just like that man. What was his name again ?....ah yes , Norimiya Kyousu-"

Seo: "That's enough , you know why we're here so let's put everything to end once and for all."

Death: "...Very well , then I won't hold back."

The Death soon summon his sycthe out of space portal as Seo lift up his sheild and grip his sword tightly. He then look at everyone that stand side by side with him then;

Seo: "Is everyone ready ?"

Varmoth: "Always ready."

Katashi: "Indeed I am."

Mizuki: "Whenever you are."

Cupid: "Yes."

Minami: "Bring it on."

Seo: "Then let's finish our final task. Group 9 , move out."

Thus their final battle against the Death begin.

Seo and his group begin to spread out their formation to give him no space for a chance to attack but , it proceed to summon a doppelganger of its own to even up its numbers against them. His group begin their own battle with 4 of Death's shadow while Seo fight against the real one. Few moments later , they able to defeat all shadows in time but as soon as they look at Seo , he was down unconscious by Death who is able to overcome his strength. They are surprise by what they have seen then try to help him but Death suddenly appear between them and him. Soon , Minami , Mizuki and Katashi run toward the Death to fight in combat while Cupid and Varmoth keep on shooting him from distance. As they keep on attack it , he become annoyed by it then he does a spinning attack with his sycthe at Minami , Mizuki and Katashi making them blown away while taking heavy damage from its attack. Then , it look at Cupid and Varmoth that are far from him so he use his sycthe to swing many projectile slash at them. They able to avoid most of it but eventually hit by it then goes down in pain. Now that everyone is down in defeat , he slowly walk back toward injured Seo with the intention to finish him off. Minami soon get up willingly despite the pain he suffer , he then shoot his rifle at Death's back to make him look behind again. It soon look behind and Seo take the advantage then get up and slash his wound to further the damage. Everyone soon able to regain themselves then continue to attack him with everything they have. They soon gather together as he land down in pain with no power left in him. Minami reload his rifle then point it at Death dying body and soon , he proceed to continuously shoot him until there's no bullets left in it. After he shoot his last bullet , the Death is already dead as its body begin to dissolve into black transparent smoke leaving its skull mask behind. Thus the final battle is over.

Now that the Death is defeated , a big door suddenly appear near them then it begin to open showing a bright light inside it. They are confused by it but they don't have much time left as the tower begin to collapse as well as all 4 buildings below.

Seo: "Everyone , get inside that door. Hurry."

Without hesitation , they rush inside the open door where the light shine at them and leaving the world they once trapped in a long time behind.

(End of Episode 12: Escape)