Chapter 14

With Raizou’s injury’s severity, it’s natural that he spent a long time in the hospital ward. Though, a week after he first regained consciousness, his speedy recovery amazed not only Toshiya but also Kanryou, who has been in charge of him.

“Do you feel any pain around here? How about here? Can you move your hand?”

Kanryou has been attentively checking Raizou and observing his physical condition before and after therapy. Raizou usually answers the ‘yes or no’ questions with a simple nod or shake, barely saying a word unless he needs to. Toshiya is always there with Kanryou and asks the young doctor much stuff. Like how Raizou reacts to Kanryou, Kanryou answers Toshiya’s question with a nod or shake. However, if further explanation is needed, Kanryou speaks the technical stuff without holding back. At that point, Raizou wonders if Kanryou blabbers that much on purpose since there is no way Toshiya understands all the difficult words despite acting like he does.

“Alright, that’s it for today.” Kanryou closes the medical record in his hand and smiles at Raizou. “Since no therapy is scheduled today, why don’t you take it easy? If you’re bored staying in your room, you can try walking in the garden or something.”

Raizou just hums, not really agreeing nor disagreeing.

“How much longer does he need to stay here?” Toshiya asks. “Looking at how fast he recovered, I think he’s allowed to do a walk-in therapy.”

“Yes, he can. However, the wound in his stomach still needs close inspection. We can’t guarantee his diet outside the hospital, so it’s better for him to stay here for a while.” Kanryou sharply turns his head to look at Toshiya. “Of course, unless you have a problem with the administration, if he stays too long, I can arrange another doctor to check on him occasionally.”

“Oh, please. Money is not a problem here.” Toshiya’s smile remains, though this time, Raizou feels like Toshiya is trying to return the thorn. “He can stay as long as he wants. I am asking simply because I need a better suggestion for his recovery.”

“If Sir Raizou feels better at home, he can be discharged earlier.”

Both Toshiya and Kanryou are looking at him, waiting for a response. Raizou hates being stared at by both men in this situation -it has happened a few times already, dragging him into their cold bickering- so Raizou just shrugs. After all, it’s not like he has a say since Kanryou decides whether he is healthy enough while Toshiya pays his bills. Whatever he says doesn’t matter much.

After that, Kanryou leaves the room immediately. Raizou is getting ready to return under the blanket when he notices the soft click of Toshiya’s tongue as his eyes are still glued on the closed door.

“...say, Toshi…”


“Are you and that doctor…”

“What? Don’t think of something foolish. There is nothing between us.”

“Doesn’t seem like it.”

Toshiya raises an eyebrow. “And why do you think so?”

“He is the first person openly despise you despite never going against you in the court.”

“Ah… about that…” Toshiya inhales, “He was my underclassman in high school.”

Now Raizou is the one raising an eyebrow. “So you attended normal school?”

“How do you think I received my diploma? Silly.” Toshiya chuckles. “Of course, I attended normal schools like any other kid.”

Raizou wants to retort, but he decides his life isn’t significant enough to make a comparison, so he lets it go. “And you two were always like this?”

“Like what?”

“Like… that? Bickering?”

“You call that bickering?” Toshiya is openly amused. “Well, he wasn’t that spiteful back then.”

“Did you do something?”

“Not to him, no.” Toshiya sits on the corner of the bed. “There was someone else, actually. Yukisada-kun and I got acquainted because Yukisada-kun always protects that person.”


“Hmm… someone I don’t fond of.”

“You speak in roundabout ways. Just say you dislike him and want to punch him, but that doctor stopped you.”

Toshiya openly laughs. “Do you really think I would punch someone just because I dislike him?”

“You won’t, but that doesn’t mean the thoughts never occur.”

Toshiya smiles wider. He neither retorts nor agrees, always keeping his personal life as vague as possible. Honestly, Raizou hates that.

“Okay, and then?” Raizou inhales. “That other guy pricked you on the sore spot. You got upset and did something, but that doctor appeared and stopped you?”

“You made me sound like a villain.”

“You are a villain, Toshiya.”

“Oh, how cruel.” Toshiya chuckles. “But… it wasn’t to that extent. I only said a few things about that person, and Yukisada-kun got upset. That was all.”

“Knowing you, you must have said something sensitive.”

“Nah, when it came to him, whatever I said nor did hit his landmine. I wasn’t responsible for his reaction.”

Raizou gives Toshiya a look. Tishoya made it so simple and insignificant, but Raizou knows the truth. What people thought was insignificant was actually something important to that person. Toshiya loves toying with people’s hearts; he takes pleasure from seeing his opposite twisted by having their buttons pushed repeatedly. Not only that, but Toshiya has the charm to shift the masses. It’s easy for him to manipulate people with his words and drive the hatred to his target. What happened between that other person, Toshiya, and Kanryou was probably the same.

-It’s hard not to hate Toshiya, but it’s harder to break away from his charm-

What is seemingly harmless is a dangerous mine to play with. Behind that sweet smile, Toshiya is a sadist. A snake. It’s just his nature to pick on the weak without people realizing his intention.

“...I think… you should stop doing that, Toshiya. It will bite back at you later.”

“Are you worried about me?”

Raizou doesn’t give an immediate answer. “The malicious intention coming at you has grown too big. I won’t be able to protect you.”

“Is that so?” Toshiya’s gaze softens. “Was that also the reason for these injuries? Because you tried to protect me?”

Raizou averts his gaze. “If you know, then stop being silly.”

“You’re the silly one here, Rai.” Toshiya holds Raizou’s hand and entwines their fingers. “What’s the point of doing so if you… die because of it?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It matters, Rai. I told you; don’t casually throw your life away unless I told you to.”

Raizou turns his head back to Toshiya. Still the same sweet smile, soft gaze, and gentle gesture that easily swoons others. Raizou is no different from those brainless; he is also easily charmed by Toshiya. When he already knows what kind of Toshiya actually is, it’s already too late for him to back away. That’s why, despite being fully aware that Toshiya is using Raizou’s love for his own gain, Raizou still follows orders like an obedient dog. He can’t break away anymore.

“...okay.” Raizou looks away despite not pulling his hand from Toshiya’s grip. “Whatever you say.”

“Good.” Toshiya lightly squeezes Raizou’s hand in his grip. “For now, just rest and recover. Don’t think about anything else.”

“Do you still need me?”

“Is there a time I don’t need you?”

-Is there also a time you didn’t think of throwing me away?-

Though, Raizou doesn’t voice it out. He already knows the sweet lies Toshiya will give him if he ever says it.


‘Alright, good. I think there is no problem with the mockup. I’ll help you forward it to the client, then.’


‘Let’s hope there will be no difficult revision after this.’


‘Will he give a generous tip, I wonder.’

“Don’t get your hopes up.”

‘Eh, there’s nothing wrong with hoping.’ Hakaru lifts his head and notices the gloom on Eiharu’s face through the webcam. ‘What’s wrong?’

“Mm?” Eiharu fixes his sitting position. “Nothing.”

‘You look gloomy.’

“I always look gloomy.”

‘But your gloom is especially gloomy today. Did something happen?’

Eiharu inhales. He doesn’t really want to say it, but he admits he purposely shows it on his face that he wants to talk. Hakaru will never miss the slight change in Eiharu’s talk and typing, so obviously, he will ask.

“It’s just… remember the doctor from the other day?”


“He… asked me to meet.”

‘Oh?’ Hakaru’s eyes lighten up. ‘When?’

“The day after tomorrow. He said he only has that day off until next month.”

‘And what did you say?’

“I… haven’t replied.”

‘Hurry up and reply! Say you’ll go!’

“I never say I wanna go.”

‘Well, don’t you want to go?’

“I--” Eiharu suddenly stutters, “I just…”

‘If you don’t want to, you would say so. You won’t wait until now to reject him.’


‘It will be okay, Ei. Your worry is unreasonable.’

“There are chances of me messing up…”

‘Yeah, how bad? You probably answered the wrong questions, said something unrelated, or maybe ordered the wrong drinks and what else? None of it matters much.’

“What if… it’s worse?”

‘Yeah, like what?’

“Like… I offended him when I talk?”

Hakaru raises his eyebrows, waiting for Eiharu to elaborate further. But Eiharu has his gaze low so he doesn’t see the kind of face Hakaru gives him. Hakaru can’t say he understands all of Eiharu’s baseless and unreasonable worries. Still, he tries to see it from Eiharu’s glasses. It’s hard, though.

‘I’m not sure how bad it will be, but… you’re not that kind of person, Ei.’

“What do you mean?”

‘You are worried if you said something offensive, but looking at my experience with you, you haven’t said something offensive. Well, we joked around about that, but it’s different.’

“You are not him. What you think is fine is probably more serious in his eyes.”

‘Okay, but according to you, he’s not that kind of guy either, right?’

“Uh… Back then, yes. Now, I’m not sure.”

‘You wouldn’t know unless you go. See him, talk to him, find out if he’s still the same kind-hearted guy you knew.’

Eiharu bites his lips. Under his desk, his hands are forming fists. Thanks to his anxiety, he can feel how cold his fingers turned. The irregular heartbeat does nothing to help to calm him down. He understands what Hakaru is trying to convey, but his body resists.

‘Do you want me to accompany you, Ei?’

“I… don’t think it’s appropriate.”

‘Yeah, you’re right. But if it helps, then don’t hesitate to call me.’ Hakaru taps his desk. ‘Then… how about the same trick as before?’

“What trick?”

‘We didn’t get to do it when you first met him, so why not do it again? I promise I will be available to bail you out this time.’

“...okay.” Eiharu takes a really deep breath and then exhales loudly. “...okay. Let’s do that.”

Hakaru can’t contain his happy smile. ‘Good luck, pal.’


‘Don’t mention it. Somehow, I feel like it’s going to be good.’

“I’m not so sure about it…”

‘Eh, trust me. My guts are telling me this guy is good news.’

“On the other hand, my guts tell me to abort the mission.”

‘Don’t trust your guts! They always told you to bail!’

“Didn’t you offer to be my bail as well?”

‘Eh, it’s for a different cause.’ Hakaru waves his hand. ‘Anyway, now that we’re clear, I better log out. I have to see Senri soon.’

“Okay, thanks. And sorry for taking your time.”

‘If you really feel sorry, how about we meet up, then? You can apologize to me face to face.’

“No, thanks.”

‘Boohoo, suck!’ Hakaru purses his lips and dramatically sulks. ‘Okay, okay. See you later.’

“Mm, bye.”

Eiharu hasn’t moved from his seat despite the web camera has been turned off. He is still pondering, thinking about what kind of answer he needs to give Kanryou that sounds polite yet casual. He is a bit lost at what to do since he knows his communication skills are lacking, and his conversation with Hakaru undoubtedly doesn’t help.

Eiharu grabs his phone and reopens the chat Kanryou sent a few days ago. His last reply, saying he would consider the meeting, is still unread. He heard from Haruna how Kanryou was busy taking care of an important patient, so Kanryou would probably ignore his personal phone for a while. Haruna didn’t know about the text, and Eiharu didn’t tell her. Knowing Kanryou is still texting Eiharu amidst his tight schedule makes Eiharu happy somehow. His unwillingness to meet has decreased as well.

-Even if he isn’t the same person anymore, I don’t think he is going to be that different-

As Hakaru told him, he only needs to give Kanryou and himself a chance. It’s been a while since he met anyone. As much as he wants to keep hiding inside his room, he can’t always avoid any encounter. Compared to others, Kanryou is the best option he has to reattach himself with reality.

Eiharu quickly types on his phone screen to give his answer.

At the same time in the hospital, Kanryou had just entered his office for a short break when his phone vibrated in his pocket. A text from Eiharu.

[I thought about it. Okay, let’s meet. How about here?]

A location is attached to the message. A cafe Hakaru told him to try, but he had no chance to go yet; what a coincidence. Kanryou smiles as he types back his reply.

[Sure thing. I’ll inform you when my shift is over. If you feel uncomfortable being alone outside for too long, you can leave your house after I text you.]


Kanryou sits on his chair with a bright smile on his face. It was the right decision to give Eiharu his private number instead of contacting him through the business phone. Maybe he needs to set a different ringtone for Eiharu so he’ll know when Eiharu reaches him.

-Wait, I mainly set my phone on vibrate anyway. It’s useless-

His phone vibrates once again. A phone call from Hakaru this time.

“Yes, Hakaru? What is it?”

‘Huh? It’s rare for you to answer immediately.’

“I’m on a short break.”

‘Is that so? Anyway, are you free the day after tomorrow?’

“Hmm… that’s my day off, but I already have a plan.”

‘What? A date?’

“I wouldn’t call it a date, but I’m about to meet someone.”

‘Finally! Introduce me when things went smoothly!’

“Why are you the one getting excited?” Kanryou chuckles. “It’s just a friend.”

‘Every relationship started with a friend, brother.’ Hakaru laughs. ‘Well, I was about to ask you to accompany me, but I will back off this time. Share the story with me later on, okay? Good luck!’

“There is no story--Hakaru?” But the line has been disconnected. Kanryou rolls his eyes and sighs. “He is too noisy.”