Retirement's And Promises

Later that night . . . 

I was beyond the word stressed to say the least for now. Tonight was the night that the whole world knows who will be taking over the Simmons's center once it's founder Dr. Simmons retires, and that person is me. I didn't really know if i had it in me to live up to Dr. Simmons's shoes. I was never much of a leader before but i guess Dr. Simmons's found something special in me. I don't know what he saw but he chose me one way or another. I was in my apartment as i was changing for tonight. I put on my best dress i had and applied a bit of make up. If i wanted to look good i better do it right after all. I then took my purse and headed off to the city center for the party. 

Once i arrived at the city center, i was allowed to enter right away. I guess that i didn't need a pass to enter but i don't really know. As i was walking to get some food, I ran into an old friend of mine. "Liz, it's so good to see you again", She said as we hugged. "It's been forever since we last spoke Jessie", I said as we walked over to the food line. "So i heard your the boss of the Simmons center now', Jessie said as we both took some food to eat. "Yeah, the doc promoted me himself", I said. "That's a huge honor Liz. I'm very happy for you", Jessie said. "Thanks, it's been stressful to think about this day as the whole world will know about it and the shoes i have to fill", I said. "That must be a lot of pressure for just one job", Jessie said. "Oh it's not like that per say. There is a bit of stress here and there but it's not the stress that can turn someone crazy", I said. "Well we wouldn't want that to happen", Jessie said. "Well duh", I said. Just then, Dr. Simmons came our way. "Hello lady's, i hope your enjoying the evening", Dr. Simmons said in a very good mood. "Why yes we are. Happy retirement also", Jessie said. "Why thank you. Do you have your speech ready Liz", Dr. Simmons said. "Yes i do sir", I said. "Good, were on in a few minutes", Dr. Simmons said as he walked away. "I didn't know you doing a speech", Jessie said. "I didn't know i was doing a speech. When i don't know about this stuff, i get all panicky and make stuff up that i have to fulfill and what not", I said in sheer panic. "Hey Liz, your gonna be fine and your gonna do great", Jessie said. "Thanks Jessie for having my back", I said as we hugged. "I always got your back you know", Jessie said. Just then, Dr. Simmons came up to the stage and asked everyone to take a seat. "I think i should go", I said. "Your gonna do great", Jessie said as we went our separate ways. I headed backstage as i was trying to come up with a speech off the top of my head. For me, i can never just think of a speech right away. I always have to write to down ahead of time so i can practice it over and over again. If i do think of a speech before i practice it, i make up things and have to fulfill those and that's just a whole thing. As i was thinking of what to say to the entire world, i overheard something horrifying. "And as i announce my retirement, i would like to introduce the new CEO of the Simmons center, Liz Gravely", Dr. Simmons said. "So this is how i die", I said under my breath as i walked up to the stage and onto the podium. "Hello there everyone. Th...thank you again for coming out here tonight. It means a lot to all of us here. As we say goodbye to the founder of this company, Dr. Simmons who helped shape this company to what it is now and what he has done for the world, i want to try and live up to his shoes and create just as much as he did during his run as CEO. I hope to create just as much as he did considering that i have big shoes to fill, witch is why I'm wearing big shoes right now. Thank you", I said as the audience clapped as i stepped down from the podium and Dr. Simmons then stepped up to the podium again. "One thing that i would like to give to my dear Liz before i resign is my official CEO lab coat. This lab coat is only meant for the CEO to wear and tonight, i pass it on to Liz", Dr. Simmons said as he stepped down from the podium as he held his lab coat in his hands. He then walked over to me and held it up as i took it with a shaky hand. "Let the party continue", Dr. Simmons said as everyone got up and started to chat again. Once i left the stage, Dr. Simmons approached me from behind. Before he could speak, i quickly turned around. "Must not have been exact science to see me behind you", Dr. Simmons said. "Not really, just the study of ears", I said. "Well science or not, you were great out there", Dr. Simmons said. "Thanks. I was extremely nervous however but i say i was good and you were too", I said. "I think you will make a great CEO", Dr. Simmons said. "Thanks boss", I said. "Oh you don't have to call me that anymore. If anything i should be calling you the boss if i still worked at the old Simmons center", Dr. Simmons said. "I suppose that is true", I said in a still nervous voice. Just then, Dr. Simmons's phone rang. "I'm afraid that i must go, booty calls when we need each other", Dr. Simmons said as he left. Just then, I saw Jessie and went over to her. "Hey Liz, you were great up there", Jessie said as i took a seat at her table. "Thanks, it wasn't all that much", I said. "I still can't believe your the CEO of the Simmons center now", Jessie said. "I know, i have the lab coat and everything", I said. "Should i start calling you boss now", Jessie said. "Were friends who work at the same company, you don't need to do that anytime soon you know", I said. "It's just habit you know. I bet your gonna be using that one soon", Jessie said in a kidding voice. "Most likely i will", I said. Me and Jessie then talked for a while about random things. Once the clock struck midnight. We had to go home. I said my goodbyes to Jessie and Dr. Simmons and i headed off to my apartment. Once i got home, it was very late so i brushed my teeth and headed to bed. Wondering what would await me as a CEO now. I wondered. I sure wondered.