Chapter 10:- Ending

As Arjun stepped into the scene, the air thickened with tension. Sanya, caught in the whirlwind of confusion, remained oblivious to the unfolding events, desperately seeking answers.

"Why the heck are we even here?" Sony's frustration punctuated the room, her desire to abandon the gathering evident as she mentioned costly restaurant reservations with Raj.

Both Sony and Raj, seemingly untouched by remorse, were eager to make a swift exit, their reluctance to confront the situation palpable.

Arjun's gaze bore into Raj's eyes, an unspoken challenge hanging between them. The intensity in Arjun's stare seemed to pierce through Raj, prompting a subtle shift in the latter's demeanor – a glimpse of guilt.

As emotions reached a breaking point, Arjun's composure crumbled. Tears streamed down his face, his voice choked with sorrow as he confronted Raj about the introduction to the world of gambling.

"Why?" Arjun's plea hung in the air, a raw vulnerability laid bare. The room echoed with the weight of his question.

Raj, confronted with the consequences of his actions, stood in silence, his inability to provide an answer only deepening the emotional turmoil in the room.

"Answer me! Why?" Arjun's voice trembled with a mix of pain and frustration, demanding an explanation from Raj.

After a lingering silence, Raj finally spoke, his words carrying a subtle deflection. "I was just introduced to the game for the thrill. Who knows some weird guy would be addicted to it," he said, indirectly placing blame on Arjun for the consequences of his own actions. The room hung heavy with the weight of unspoken accusations, emotions simmering beneath the surface.

"Why the hell did you challenge me? Can't you just stay calm?" Arjun's frustration erupted once again, directed squarely at Raj.

Raj, unable to find a satisfactory answer, remained silent, his guilt palpable in the charged atmosphere.

"How did you manage the loss?" Arjun pressed on, seeking some explanation for the unraveling chaos.

"My parents gave that money!" Raj finally replied, revealing the source of the funds that had fueled the destructive gamble.

"But my parents can't," Arjun shot back, the disparity in their circumstances adding fuel to the already blazing fire. "Not only did you ruin my life, but you also backstabbed me with my girlfriend, sorry, my ex-girlfriend," Arjun's words spilled out in a chaotic, bitter torrent.

After witnessing the emotional turmoil, Sony, unable to comprehend the depths of the conflict, stood up and questioned, "Why the hell are you asking this?"

"You shut the fuck up!" Arjun's shout reverberated through the room, his anger directed at Sony. The members, taken aback by the sudden intensity of his rage, looked on in shock. Even Sony, usually vocal, sat silently in her seat, visibly stunned by the unexpected outburst. The tension in the room escalated, leaving an uneasy silence in its wake.

Raj, sensing the volatile atmosphere, seized the moment to further aggravate the situation. "Arjun, maybe if you hadn't been so impulsive and careless, none of us would be in this mess," he said, subtly shifting blame back onto Arjun.

Arjun's eyes flared with a mix of anger and hurt, the accusation triggering a deeper well of emotions. "You think this is my fault?" he retorted, the words cutting through the air. The room, already charged with tension, became a battleground for conflicting narratives, and Raj's calculated provocation only fueled the flames of discord.

Arjun turned sharply to face Sony, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and desperation. "You know who's the other one who messed up my life?" he asked bitterly.

Sony, her expression betraying fear, stood in tense silence as Arjun continued, "It's you and him. Because of your encouragement, I got addicted. Your greed led me to this point, and in the end, you betrayed me!" Arjun's voice echoed with frustration.

"Why? Why did you leave me?" Arjun's tone softened with sadness as he sought answers.

Sony, snapping back, revealed a harsh truth. "I started dating you for your secure future. But now it's all blank. Raj's future is better than yours, and he proposed to me when we were still together."

The revelation cut deep, and Arjun's pain intensified. "It's even more hurting now," he muttered, grappling with the harsh reality of betrayal and heartbreak.

Arjun's rage surged, reaching a boiling point, and he was on the verge of unleashing it upon Sony. However, in a sudden turn of events, Raj and Dev intervened, forcefully preventing Arjun from acting on his anger.

Arjun, fueled by a surge of determination, broke free from their restraining hold, his eyes ablaze with fury. Without hesitation, he redirected his anger towards Raj, launching into a physical altercation.

The room echoed with the sounds of fists connecting, grunts of exertion, and the tension of unresolved emotions. Arjun's punches carried the weight of betrayal, each strike an attempt to release the pent-up frustration and heartache.

Raj, attempting to defend himself, retaliated with his own set of blows, the clash of their conflicting emotions manifesting in the violent dance of their struggle. Dev, torn between the two sides, looked on with a mix of concern and helplessness.

The chaotic confrontation reached its breaking point as Dev intervened, forcibly holding Arjun back, while Sony restrained Raj. The tense atmosphere lingered as Raj and Sony decided to exit the scene.

As they left, Raj couldn't resist a sarcastic remark, "I have never seen losers like him in my life."

Arjun, overwhelmed with emotions, began to cry, his vulnerability laid bare. Dev and Sanya observed the heart-wrenching scene.

"Why didn't you listen?" Sanya questioned tearfully.

"I'm sorry, Sanya. I'm the fool here. I didn't even care about my well-wishers while running after someone who didn't love me," Arjun admitted with a heavy heart.

Sanya, unable to bear the pain anymore, expressed her regret, "Sorry, Arjun. We can't take this anymore."

"I warned you so many times, but you didn't listen. You're the one who is guilty here," she asserted before apologizing and leaving the scene with Dev.

Dev, watching Arjun with a sense of hopelessness, lingered for a moment, torn between sympathy and the harsh reality unfolding before him.

Arjun, left alone in the aftermath of the tumultuous confrontation, descended into a laughter that echoed with madness. Each step he took seemed disconnected from reality as he walked away, the weight of his emotions and the recent events consuming him. The echoes of his laughter lingered, creating a haunting atmosphere that mirrored the shattered fragments of his once-promising life.

"After the incident, they never saw Arjun again. All of his friends returned to normal life. Raj and Sony enjoyed life with no remorse. Sanya is consumed by guilt, feeling that she failed as a friend when Dev tried to confront her. Arjun's family is immersed in deep sadness after receiving the news that he went missing.

The end."