Arjun, once a diligent student from a loving middle-class family, takes a fateful plunge into the world of online gambling, guided by his charismatic friend Raj. The story unfolds as Arjun experiences the highs of early victories, the thrill of virtual games, and the camaraderie that ensues. However, the narrative takes a darker turn as Arjun succumbs to the addictive allure, neglecting his studies, relationships, and responsibilities. The downward spiral intensifies, leading to missed classes, strained friendships, and financial losses. As Arjun battles the consequences, the shadows of his choices seep into his dreams, blurring the lines between the virtual and the real. The tale explores the perils of online gambling, the impact on personal and academic life, and the struggle to regain control. Amidst the chaos, Arjun's journey raises questions about temptation, responsibility, and the fragile balance between the virtual and tangible realms.
it is very beautiful and awesome and very interesting