Chapter 3:- The Beginning of Gambling

Arjun lay sprawled on his bed, his gaze fixed on the intriguing link that Raj had sent him. The initial hesitation clawed at him – a mix of caution and curiosity battling within. "Is it dangerous? Can I trust this?" he mused, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. Yet, the promise of easy money with a minimal investment lingered like a tempting whisper, urging him to explore.

Recollections of Raj's success story echoed in Arjun's mind. The substantial earnings on the college campus danced vividly in his memory. "Maybe I can make enough for my pocket money," he thought, the allure of financial independence pulling him closer to the edge. Pushing aside doubts, Arjun decided to unravel the mystery behind the link, and with a hesitant click, he found himself downloading a gambling app.

As the app unfolded before him, a plethora of games tempted him. The excitement and nervous energy surged within as he deliberated on which game to try. His eyes lingered on a virtual deck of cards, and with a flicker of determination, he chose Rummy as his initiation into this world of chance.

Depositing some of his hard-earned money, Arjun entered the virtual realm of Rummy. The cards were dealt, and a new adventure unfolded. Tentatively, he navigated the intricate rules, absorbing the strategies required to form sets and runs. Each draw and discard became a lesson, a step toward unraveling the secrets of the game.

Confidence began to weave its way into Arjun's decisions. He started gauging the value of each move, adapting his strategy with every evolving tableau of melds. The virtual opponents became a challenge to decipher, each move a clue to their tactics. In a moment of boldness, Arjun decided to pick up a crucial card from the discard pile, a calculated risk that completed his first set. A mix of luck and skill, the melds began to take shape, and the thrill of the game intensified.

As the virtual cards danced on the screen, Arjun found himself surprising even his own expectations. Skillfully arranging his cards into melds, he reached a triumphant moment – declaring victory. The joy that filled him at that instant was beyond words. His first foray into Rummy had not only been successful but had also unlocked a newfound passion.

Victory, however, came with rewards. Arjun's eyes widened as he saw his winnings – a substantial seven times the money he had deposited. The brightness in his face mirrored the happiness that surged within. Gratitude welled up as he silently thanked Raj for the introduction to this thrilling world.

Yet, a faint whisper of guilt lingered. Sanya's warning about the dangers of such games briefly crossed his mind. Ignoring it, Arjun rationalized that the app seemed less perilous than anticipated. The joy of his initial win overshadowed any lingering doubts.

With his newfound wealth, Arjun contemplated his next move. "What should I do with this money?" he wondered aloud. Perhaps a treat for himself or a thoughtful gift for Sony? The clock in his room reminded him that it was already 10 pm – time for decisions to be postponed until tomorrow.

As Arjun drifted into sleep, visions of virtual cards and the thrill of victory played in his mind. Little did he know that this foray into the world of online gambling would shape his future decisions, bringing not just financial gains but also a set of challenges and dilemmas that awaited him in the days to come.

Arjun awoke to the blaring sound of his alarm, realizing he had overslept. Panic surged through him as he glanced at the clock—8 AM. He had an important class to attend, and being tardy was not characteristic of him. Hastily, he dressed and rushed downstairs.

His mother, with a worried expression, questioned why he had overslept, mentioning she had tried to wake him. Apologizing, Arjun grabbed a quick breakfast and made his way to college.

Arriving at 9:20 AM, he hurried to his class, where Professor Sharma, known for praising Arjun's discipline, was taken aback. Allowing him in for this instance, the professor's eyebrows furrowed in surprise.

Arjun settled into his seat, greeted the professor, who reciprocated with a quizzical look. Sanya, seated beside him, couldn't hide her curiosity. "Why are you late?" she inquired.

Arjun, still in the afterglow of his virtual victory, hesitated. "I overslept," he replied vaguely, avoiding the real reason behind his delay.

Throughout the lecture, his mind wandered between the class material and the events of the previous night. As the class concluded, Sanya persisted, "There's something more, Arjun. What happened?"

Arjun, conflicted, decided to share his newfound venture cautiously. "Raj introduced me to this online gambling game. I won big last night playing Rummy."

Sanya's eyes widened with concern. "Arjun, be careful. Gambling can lead to addiction and serious consequences. I heard stories about people losing everything."

Brushing off her warning, fueled by the excitement of his initial triumph, Arjun thinks about the game throughout the lecture.

"How's the game?" someone whispered behind him.

It was Raj.