Chapter 4:- The Beginning of worst

Arjun spotted Raj across the bench and couldn't help but share the news, "It's great! I won the money!"

"Wow, dude!" Raj replied, his excitement evident. Their conversation continued, the thrill of victory weaving through their words.

As Arjun and Raj immersed themselves in discussions about their recent gambling successes, Sanya, seated nearby, began to feel a growing sense of unease. She tried to focus on her class notes, deliberately ignoring their conversation.

Raj, fueled by the adrenaline of their previous victories, proposed, "How about we play after this class?"

Arjun, caught between the appeal of another round and his responsibilities, questioned, "What about the next class?"

"I'll show you the ropes, deep in this game," Raj teased, his enthusiasm undeterred.

Dev, sitting beside Raj, chimed in, "Just skip it!"

Sanya, overhearing their plans, couldn't hide her shock. "Are you serious, guys?"

Raj responded with a hint of sarcasm, "Absolutely!"

As the class continued, the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation. Thirty minutes later, as the lecture concluded, Arjun and his friends filed out of the classroom. Raj wasted no time, and with a shared glance, they decided to delve into the virtual world of online gambling.

In their secluded spot, Arjun, Raj, and Dev opened the multiplayer poker app, the virtual casino lobby unfolding before them. Excitement bubbled as they selected a table to join, the thrill of the game enhancing the camaraderie that bound them.

The trio found themselves seated at a virtual poker table, each taking their place in the unfolding digital drama. The interface displayed not only their avatars but also those of other players from various corners of the gaming world. The stakes were set, and the anticipation was palpable.

As the cards were dealt, the chat feature became a lively hub of communication. Arjun, Raj, and Dev strategized and bantered with each other, their messages popping up in the virtual conversation bubble. The gameplay unfolded with the trio navigating the dynamics of the multiplayer poker experience.

Raj, with his seasoned expertise, guided Arjun and Dev through the intricacies of the game. The virtual opponents added an unpredictable element, each with their own style of play. Wins and losses became shared experiences, enhancing the sense of connection between the friends.

The winnings accumulated as they progressed through the game, each victory adding to their virtual fortune. The camaraderie that had been strained in the physical world now found a renewed vigor in the shared successes of the poker table.

As they were heavily involved in virtual gambling, they didn't notice it's already evening. Sanya observed from a distance. The complexities of their involvement in the online gambling world seemed amplified in the multiplayer poker game. She couldn't shake off the worry that this digital pursuit might lead to consequences beyond their control.

After they realized the surroundings, it's already late.

"I promised to Sony that I will take her on a date!" Arjun said with tension.

"Don't worry, it's not that late," Dev said.

"Use this winning money to win her heart," Raj said to Arjun.

Arjun quickly left the scene and went to Sony, who had been waiting for him for a long time.

As Arjun rushed to catch up with Sony, he found her standing near the college entrance, tapping her foot impatiently. The glow of the setting sun cast a warm hue on her face, but her expression was a mix of frustration and disappointment.

"Do you know what time it is?" Sony exclaimed, her eyes narrowing as Arjun approached.

"I am so sorry, Sony," Arjun replied, breathless from both the hurried journey and the weight of his tardiness.

"There's no excuse for keeping someone waiting like this," Sony retorted, crossing her arms. "I thought we were going to spend quality time together."

Arjun, desperately trying to salvage the situation, extended a nicely wrapped gift toward Sony. "Here, this is for you. A little something to make up for the delay."

Sony, still visibly upset, accepted the gift with a skeptical look. As she unwrapped it, her eyes widened in surprise. It was the costly item she had long desired, the one she had casually mentioned to Arjun multiple times. Despite her annoyance, the thoughtful gesture began to soften her expression.

Arjun, realizing the impact of the gift, spoke earnestly, "I messed up, Sony, and I am genuinely sorry. I hope this makes up for it, and we can still enjoy our time together."

Sony, torn between her earlier frustration and the unexpected gift, sighed. "You can't keep making these mistakes, Arjun. Time is valuable too, you know?"

"I understand, Sony, and I promise to be more mindful of our plans in the future," Arjun replied, hoping to reassure her.

They proceeded with their date, the initial tension gradually giving way to moments of genuine connection.

Later that evening, as Arjun returned home, the atmosphere at the dinner table was less jovial than usual. His father, a stern but caring figure, looked at him with a discerning gaze.

"Why are you late today, Arjun?" his father inquired, a hint of concern in his voice.

Arjun, glancing down at his plate, replied, "I had a late class and then went out with Sony. Lost track of time."

His father raised an eyebrow, "You've been spending a lot of time with your friends lately. Don't let it affect your studies and responsibilities."

"I know, Dad. It won't happen again," Arjun assured, trying to conceal the unease that lingered beneath the surface.

His father, though accepting the explanation, continued with a piece of advice, "Remember, balancing fun and responsibility is crucial. Make sure your choices don't jeopardize your future."

Arjun nodded, appreciating his father's wisdom.

After his dinner, Arjun returned to his room and started the game.

After some gameplay, Arjun was shocked as he lost too much money for the first time. The joy and excitement that had accompanied the wins were replaced by a sinking feeling of regret and concern. Little did he know that this loss marked the beginning of a downward spiral into the darker depths of online gambling.