How it started

Allison pov

"father please we can talk later, I'm starving please "i said 

We all sat in the dinning room and waited as the maid served us

" father please where is Lucia "i asked i havent seen her since i was discharged from the hospital 

" she went somewhere she will be back soon

We all chatted for a long time enjoying each others company till i decided to break the silence

"father please can i tell you something "i said

" ok am listening "

" I really dont want to marry roshan"i said

"really, why? He asked

"cos i love someone else"

"what, did u just say who tell me"he yelled

I havent told him and he is getting furious where is lucia when i need her

"jack... Son, the comimg alpha"i said 

"ahh, how dare u"he yelled the more standing up he threw away everything on the table scattering everywhere

"father please" i said moving close to him but i halted when his hands crossed my face 

"Daniel!!! "lucia yelled from the door way

" you stay out of thiz, how dare you u have betrayed me your father! "he said and grabbed my next

My legs were no longer touching the floor

" father please i can explain"i said hitting his hands trying to set free from his hold he was choking me

"daniel u will kill her stop this "lucia yelled running towards us

" you stay out of this"je yelled

"she is pregnant do u want to kill your grandchild "lussete yelled

With that he released his grip on my neck dropping me down

I rubbed my neck and felt the prints right there, if jackson saw this it wouldn't end well for either of us 

" tell me this is a lie"he said but no one replied i wasn't ready to tell him how did lussete find out. 

"tell me its a lie, it can't be u Allison " he yelled hitting the table. 

" it's true she is the one, the prophecy child"lussete said

"what are u saying lussete"lucia whispered 

"what do u mean" i asked

"take her to her room laura, I will deal with that Jackson later"he said and they left the dinning room 

"father please dont hurt him"i yelled crying 

"am sorry alli, its not your fault" i just couldn't here it again i just kept crying my heart out. 

 Jackson pov

 I have to speak to father immediately 


"he will father can never deny that mates are chosen from the moon goddess"i said and shout out Mason my wolf

I got into the big house and saw father and mother panting hayden was seen pacing back and forth worried

 "what's the matter" i asked

"its lussete the witch"mother said

"laura's mother"hayden said through the pack link 

And why is everyone worried about her

"she sent a message that they... "she hesitated

I could see the look on father face and tell it wasn't good

 " she found out who the prophecy child is"

Now it dawned on me, allison is the one

 "fatherbi need to speak with you and mother right now" i said

"what is wrong my son"mother said

"alpha luna let him speak first"hayden said

 I told them everything from top to bottom not leaving anything out, 

"we in one goddam trouble now"father said trailing his hands into his hair

 "but we have to reason with the king, their sun goddess and our moon goddess has perdestined both of you long before u where both born. 

" thank you father" i said and hugged him

"i just pity poor allison she has to go through hell just because of the faults of our ancestors"mother said

"what do mean mother"i asked cos i am getting tense here

"let me tell u a story connected to u and allison 

Long time ago ur great great grandmother loved someone a vampire precisely "sje said and brought out a picture and handed it to me

I turned the picture and my mouth fell

" allison "

" no allisom is the look alike of her, well she fot pregnant but due to the hate both families had they killed the child before it was bought into this world" she continued

 Would daniel be thinking of killing my


"but why mother"i asked

"because it was forbidden, an abomination that child would be a half were and half vampire the meet of the two goddess some called it fate some called it wickedness,. 

 She sought the face of the witches for help but met the wrong one

Medusa, she tricked her into believing the child was still alife but u know that saying 'a soul for a soul' "mother stopped as tears startwd to drop feom her eyes 

" if u dont want to continue u can stop the rest is history"father said

"no he must know the whole truth, she gave up her wolf and her life all for her child, medusa lied and got away with it an alpha wolf wandered the spirit world lonely,but nature always finds a balance that was when different witches began to see things, a woman in which that same wolf entered into her but this woman was no ordinary woman" she continued 

"the eclipse of the sun and moon goddess that same spell medusa used would make them meet at a climax, blood would be shed all because of that witch.