Another black out

Daniel pov


How can u tell me that my child will die no way she will get rid of that child"i yelled feeling frustrated 

 "you cant anyone who tries to jarm her or that child will face the wrath of the goddess" lussete said with a straight face

 "so are u telling me to seat and watch my daughter die day by day" 

 "no love, we can protect her but we must come to an agreement with the wolves, that's why i already went to see the omega pack they have agreed to help" lucia said wirping the tears i didn't even know dropped 


 "ok but i have to see that alpha,..." 

"no this was fate, there is no one that can stop there love u have to tell roshan to back off "Lucia cut me off

 I walked round the room thinking of what to do with roshan he will have to accept fate either he likes it or not 

" you have to speak with lucas pack no matter what they can help you know it all started from them"lussete said picking up the first aid kit from the drawer

"give it here, I'll go to her myself"lucia said trying to collect the box

"alright, you can do that she's your daughter after all"lussete said handing it to her

"thank you"she said and left. 

 'Lucia pov'

 I walked through the halls wondering how i would speak to allison she must hate because i didn't show when she needed me the most 

 "can i come in" 

"sure lucia"someone said

I entered and saw laura hugging her whispering something into her ear but my knock broke the hug 

 I came hear to treat your wound dear, if you would let me" i said putting the kit on the table


 I treated the scars left by the daniel's hands and turned to leave 

 "um, lucia why did you leave in the first place or where did you go" allison asked making stop in my tracks

I can't tell her now maybe later

"i'll tell you about it soon but not now dear"i said sitting close to her 

 "will i die lucia i dont want to die mom" i was shocked at her last words did she just say mom

"ahh no child you are my daughter and the future queen of the vampire clan you can not die do u here me"i said embracing her into my hands, patting her hair

 She just kept crying 

I know it is not easy for her spent all her life happy now a goddam prophecy is trying to take it

 I must help her no matter the cost 

 "i want to see father" she said as we broke the hug

 We walked together into his room and met him drinking his pains away

why did this have to fall on my family now. 

 Allison pov

 I looked into dad eyes and saw hate, fear and anger 

"come my child" he said and stood up for from his seat

"I'm sorry dad"were the only words that could come out from my mouth

"no no, its not your fault dear my baby"je said giving me a tight hug damn i have just been collecting hugs since

 "its fate, there is nothing we can do" je said raising my chin for me to look at me and to my surpise he was crying 

 "but u must fight to leave for me, your mom, jackson and most especially your unborn child no matter what" he said encouraging me

 "i will father i will" i said sniffing 

"that's the child i bought into this world now come sleep with me tomorrow will be a hell of a day"he said my eyes were already heavy though 


 He put me down, patting my hair soon i drifted into slumber. 

~Moments later~ 

 I woke up to the thrilling cold i was feeling out of no where 

i turned but couldn't find dad there

O stood up to drink some water when i felt a figure beside me. I turned back and saw a masked figure standing by the curtain

"whos there, who are you? 

No replied

I turned and saw another masked person standing by the door, another one, they were everywhere. 

"Help me! " i screamed but i couldnt even feel my voice nor hear my self

 They moved forward until one muttered a spell and i felt norm falling o the floor my sight began to fade as the power began to take hold of me 

 Total darkness....