Mystic avenue

Allison pov


I woke up feeling pains on my hands and feet only to look and see them tied to a chair. I try breaking free but the more i try the more the ropes cut deeper. 

 "who, and why would anyone kidnap me" were the thoughts that ran through my mind how am i going escape from a place i dont even know. 

 The room look shallow with a little light coming from a very small window not far from me, i need to get out of here dad, and everyone would be wondering where i am. 

 I tried shaking the chair backward and luckily it fell, but now my back hurts i quickly loose the ropes and reach for the door

 I place my ears on the door to listen if anyone was there. No one

 "ahh where do u think you are going?" i slam into this muscular man right as i open the door damn it. 

He holds me by the arms and drag me back into the room

"let me go!! "i scream but he just keep tieing me back on the chair. 

" try escape again and I'll cut your tongue then send it to your father bitch! " he whispered but i didnt budge

 " release me this instance, if my father finds you it wont be pleasant"i shot back spatting at his face 

 "u little bitch" he said and gave me a tight slap tearing my lip

"how dare you spat at me u will pay for this"saying that he lifts his hands up folding it into a punch

I thought he would punch but instead the more he folded his hands the more my insides were twisted. He was using his powers so his a witch

 "what, the cat bit your tongue" he said twisting it the more my baby

 "williams, stop u will kill her" a lady figure said standing by the door way and he freed his hands stopping the torment

"mess with me again and ill kill you"he said holding my cheeks before slapping me again the lady just sighed. 

The pain was so unbearable. 

 "what do u want with me?" i managed to ask through by teeths 

"you are strong you can still talk "he said again

" I'll take it from here williams thank you"the lady said coming to my sides 

She looked so beautiful with her fresh faces and perfect coves but not as mine. 

 "I'll take it from here dear, your father got wealth right he wont mind paying a ransom for your head" she whispered to into my ear

"is it money u want then please let me go "i pleaded

" no no dear i want money the boss wants you"she said carrying a Chair and sat in my front. 

"you are just a porn in this little game which just started though "she said again before standing up she lifted her hands saying a spell drifting me into sleep. 

 Daniel pov

" have you checked everywhere" i asked the guards 

"where could she be no one came in or out of this room how did the hell did the princess go missing! "i yelled at the guard who i left in charge of watching allison. I went to get some water only for me to meet an empty room. 

" we can use a locator spell to find her just need something of hers that has her scent"lussete said holding a map 

"i will go get her pillow now"lucia said and left

 I paced round the table wondering how the hell someone could be adopted from a heavily guarded palace, when someone badged in 

 "where is she" he said 

 "jackson we havent found her yet" laura said behind me 

 So he is the jackson

"come here kid"i held him by the collar 

"let me go king with all due respect i have come to help find allison without her am nothing."he said hitting my hands off. 

This boy got some balls i held unto him and threw him across the table

"its your fault she was kidnap you so naive now my daughter is paying for your family sins"i yelled now everyone had gathered us

 Jackson pov

 As soon as laura called me that allison was missing i didnt think twice before coming to the palace now this king wants to hit me i would have fought back but i have better things to think of like my love and life. 

 "stop fighting you too the one you are fighting over is somewhere fighting to stay alive who knows what they are doing to her" lucia said breaking into tears

"you are right my dear lets find my daughter first"he said and walked into the throne room. 

Moments later 

 I stood outside when i got a call from hayden

>> "have they found her yet" he asked 

"no but lussete is doing a locator spell we will soon any luck on your side"

"nope like they just vanished into tin air no scent or anything"he said and i hung up

i was already feeling frustrated i threw the phone on the wall

"where could you be allison where "i asked my self

 i tried to listen to what they were saying with my werewolf ears when i heard

 "she's at mystic avenue an old building there" lussete said 

hearing that i ran out of the palace with full speed cos i knew exactly where that was.