All my fault

writer pov~

 Jackson got to mystic avenue trying to find allison scent and he did it got stronger the closer he got, soon he walked into a shallow house lamp lit like they were preparing for a sacrifice 

 "witches" he muttered stiffly counting his step so not to make a sound but someone already sported him

 "stop right there" a man said pointing a gun at him

"you think a gun can stop me"jackson said moving forward 

"its bullets are silver bullet think twice before a take another step. 

They already knew he would come for her so they prepared 

Jackson moved forward growling in displeasure of the situation


The man pulled the trigger it went straight past Jackson brushing his left arm blood spilling out.

 "f*ck" he cursed under his breath

Another shoot!! But he dodged it picking up a stick jackson charged towards the man again not missing his chance he staked him right in his chest, he died instantly. 

 "i didnt want to kill anyone today" he said opening the door by his left. There were more men coming with guns shooting at jackson but none touched him

Punches, kick and hitting could be loudly heard which could mean two things either the men were winning or one man took on 20 men on his own. 

The fight was becoming more intense when more men showed up and one of them threw Jackson out the window. 

Jackson felt tge pain but ignored it

"LET ME OUT JACKSON"mason said

"ALRIGHT "jackson said letting his wolf come forth


Allison just listened to the whole event and she knew jaxkson was here for her but there were to much 

" your boyfriends is very strong fighting my men all alone "sapphire said

Allison just studied her face, she was indeed beautiful and looked like a good witch why would she be here. 

"he will kill you if he finds me so a word of advise let me go!!" she yelled at sapphire 

"oh, shut up we will let you go but not after the boss is done with you"sapphire said walking out of the room. 


Daniel already left the palace with his men heading to the place, he came out of his car and saw that many men were killed already. 

He moved into the room and saw a vicious wolf tearing the flesh of the men while they scream in horror 

he smirked at this, knowing that this was a true alpha. 

"help him and kill anything that moves "he gave the orders. 

 Mason felt pleasure tearing those men flesh its been a while since Jackson let him out. 

" FIND MATE, THE KING MEN GOT THIS"Jackson said to him trying to come forth but mason wouldn't let him

He spunged out of the room immediately 

"stay still, bitch"williams yelled at allison trying to cut her with a knife

"do it fast that alpha is coming"sapphire said looking out the door

"uhh"he yelled out of anger he stabbed the knife right in arm, blood gushing out immensely 

"why did you do that you were supposed to cut her wrist and take her blood but u stabbed her u fool"sapphire yelled at him trying to wake allsion who already passed out due to the hit and loss of blood

"here is the blood, she wont die she just passed out" now go I'll handle that so called alpha"he said giving sapphire the bottle of allison blood and she just vanished in thin air 

 Mason sniffed the area and picked on allison scent it came from a closed room. In anger he pushed the door down growling in fury. 

Williams stood in front of allison holding a rope in his hands as a weapon. 

Mason let jackson come forth to fight this man. Jackson eyes scanned the room and it landed on williams

"where is she "he asked as his voice got deeper

" oh you mean that bitch of a princess, didnt get a chance to f*ck her but i took care of her for you"he said stepping aside 

"jackson eyes widened as he saw allison in that state blood dripping from her dress, her eyes shut

He growled very loud in anger seeing his mate in that condition he was going to kill williams and tear him in pieces 

Williams twisted his hands making jackson lose balance but he shoke it off

 "what, so u use a protection spell so no magic can harm you, surprising" he said looking confused 

"am an alpha and you just pissed off an already anger wolf"saying that he knelt down letting mason step forth again. 

In seconds mason pounds on william beating his hand so as to let go of the wip, and he did 

Using his claws mason tore williams in anger bit by bit not even caring about the soul all that was in his mind that he hurt their mate. 

He devoured williams like eating a meal but it digust his stomach. 

Jackson make forth with all his cloth soaked in blood not that he minded. 

"what a way to die"he muttered and spat on the remains of williams, he knelt in front of Allison sobbing seeing the way they treated her

 "its all my fault, please forgive me Allison i couldnt protect, i could not fulfil my promise"