Sapphire rethinking

 "dad" Allison screamed and feel to the ground, shifting back almost immediately i ran to her side she already passed out. 


 We had to rush her to the hospital since she wasn't coming up. 

 "doctor will she be alright" i asked as the doctor came out of the ward. 

 "and who are you to her" 

"are fiancé "

" and you let are go through so much stress at this stage of pregnancy the patient is not supposed to be stress, with the things happening around her it may affect the child also affecting her health badly"

 I staggered back a bit, not knowing what to say I just nodded. 

 "Jackson.. Where is he where is he" lucia cried running towards me. 

 "tell me my father is alright" a girl cried also. 

 "Jackson what happened" Laura asked. 

 How am i supposed to answer them when i don't even know what happened. 

 "they haven't said anything yet" i muttered. 

 "and Allison where is she" Laura asked again. 

 "she is alright she just fainted out of shock". 

 After they long wait they finally came out of the theatre. 

 "doctor my husband how is he tell me he is alright" Lucia rushed the doctor. 

 "your highness, the king is a very strong man he has really fought death its self why wouldn't he when he has such a wonderful family" the doctor said i let out a huge sigh of relief. Thank goodness. 

 "thank you doctor thank you can we see him" the same girl said. 

 "not now he is still weak from the vervain his body took in it may take some time for it to leave his system we can't say until when we he will come up" the doctor said and Lucia nodded. 

 "doctor the patient is awake and she won't stay she has been yelling since" a nurse ran to us. 

 I ran to the direction of the shout and entered into one of the ward the one Allison was in. 

 "i want to see my father" she yelled hitting one of the nurse on the wall. 

 "Allison" I called 

"where is my father, he can't die in the bomb blast he can't "she cried seeing her in that condition broke me i just can't imagine if the worst had happened. 

. " your father is alright my love he is safe"i said moving towards her, i quickly took her hand off the nurse hair. The nurse ran for her life. 

 I hugged her rocking her hair lightly," he is safe alright "

" really he is not de..... "she shuttered 

 " no no dad is fine, he made sure he sees our baby like he promised "i said and i could tell she was smiling now. 

 Sapphire pov. 

I have just stayed in this cave for a day and i want to go back home to the boss, he always treated me like his own. I miss him. 

 " here eat this "i said to the people medusa had kept captive. 

 I just stop but wonder if this man was related to the boss. 

 " what is your name"i asked him. 


"Richard.... With no last name"

 "Richard Reeves" he said now i knew why he looks like the boss he is his son, and i think that is his wife. 

 "oh, i know your dad u know" i blurted for no reason. 

He just looked away, rude but i kinda like him. 

 "speak" i said but no reply out of anger i twisted my hand making him groan in pain. 

 "i have passed through this witch, you think because am weak i can't defend myself am literally stronger than you" he spoke with so much confidence. Even in captivity he still has courage wonderful. 

 "and my father i know where ever he is he must be looking for i and my mother so just watch your mouth witch" he continued. 

 "richy, just let her be please your arrogance isn't going help us just get us in more trouble" his mother said. My heart fell seeing her tears. 

 "that's enough with the chitchat" medusa said from nowhere like she was there watching us. 

 "my Queen welcome I was just...." 

"save it little with am not here to talk with you"she cut me off. 

 "hello hilda" medusa waved at the lady. 

 "why the cold attitude, not like i care". 

 "i have good news for both of you, one of you will be leaving here soon either dead or alive" she said with so much vernom laced in her voice. 

 "let my mom go please" Richard said he was speaking with d

so much confidence a while ago now he's begging? 

"well my boy, it depends on whether or not your stubborn father does what i say, let's see if he loves his family than been loyal to his old friend "she said holding his chin. 

 She turned to leave but stopped" all i know is that blood will definitely be shred just as i like it"she smirked and left. 

 What have i gotten my self into no wonder boss wanted me out of the way if i try to leave she will kill me am doomed.