

 Allison pov. 

 It's been a week since i left the hospital, Jackson has been staying with us since then including hayden. 

 "my love come eat your food" Jackson said. 

 "awwn u bought breakfast thanks" i said smiling widely. 

 That is how it has been always by my side 24/7.

He fed me until i was done, i took my bath and headed downstairs with him. 

 "good morning mom, Astrid" i greeted. 

Mom looked up but Astrid didn't even spare me a glance she kind of hates me. 

 "morning dear how your night" mom asked. 

"fine as always"i smiled, Astrid just scoffed and left. 

 "what's up with her" Jackson asked. 

"she will come around she is just worried about your father "mom said. 

 Just them Lussette and Houston appeared. 

" morning Allison "Houston said. 

 " morning uncle"

"seen your family is here i will have to go"jackson said drawing me closer. 


"i have to see Helen remember we are planning a wedding soon"he said and I just nodded. 

 "don't stress yourself out, alright" he said and kissed my forehead. 

He left. 


 Houston pov. 

 "my friend don't worry we will get them back" Lussette said i told her about medusa threat and how she is holding my son and wife captive. 

 "i know but how will we explain to Allison she wants her" i said feeling frustrated, i can't give Allison to her and i can't lose my family. 

 "i have a plan, it it has to stay between us, if we bring Allison to her to the location she said i will be there with laura we will take her by surprise" she said tapping my shoulder. 

 "ok thank you". 

"we have to make sure Jackson doesn't find out, if he does he will never let us do it"i nodded 

 "am sorry my friend i need my family" i muttered to myself. 

 Hayden pov. 

I sat on the bed waiting for laura she said she wanted to get something. 

 I heard footsteps coming towards the door and i quickly ran to the door. 

The moment it opened i hugged her from behind. 

 "u kept me waiting you no" i said bitting her ear. 

I turned here over and kissed her i redrew almost immediately. 

 "show your self" i demanded i know this is not laura. 

My eyes widened when i saw who it was. 


"i love you so much please just let me have you "she said this girl is really mad. 

 " you have really gone mad now, get out before laura comes"i said calmly i really don't want to lash on her she is still Allison step sister. 

 "no i love you i won't leave" she persisted. 

 "it's not love infatuation, get that into your skull" i yelled i just can't stand her for one week she has been trying everything in her power to reach me. 

 "i love laura and not you or nobody else, i don't love you not even like u have no place here it all belongs to laura" i said placing my hand on my chest. 

 "no she does not deserve it no" she streamed scattering her hair. 

I took her hand ready to throw her out but she slammed her lips on mine holding me tightly. Just then the door swung open. 

 "Hayden" laura yelled i pushed Astrid off almost falling on her butt. 

 "tinker bell it's not what y think she came and she kissed me" i tried tp explain but she raised her hand shunting me up. 

. "you bitch i really never wanted to deal with you but now you have pushed me to the edge" she yelled i have never seen her this angry. 

 Astrid moved back little by little. "close your eyes" laura said and i did as she was told. 

 Laura pov. 

 Am going kill this bitch. 

After telling Hayden to shut his eyes i muttered a spell her clothes immediately came off. 

 "don't do this laura u will regret this" she said i just smirked. 

 "i warned you to stay away from what is mine, u messed with the wrong witch" i yelled i turned and saw Hayden eyes still shut. 

 "estros phosmetus" i said and she started screaming. 

I set her skin ablaze well not with fire just hot enough to hurt her. 

 "please make it stop" she cried. 

 "if you dare open yours eyes i will set you on real fire i promise" i shot at Hayden when i sensed he tried to open them. 

 He just nodded using his hands to cover them up. 

 "now get out" i yelled and threw her out let her run to her room naked. 

 I watched as she ran towards her room trying to cover her nakedness. All the maids and guards laughed. I smirked and shut the door. 

 "you can open up" I said and he put his hand down. 

"am sorry "he said holding his ears. 

" come hear"i said dragging him towards me. 

 "i heard your speech so am the one right here" i said unbottoning his shirt i touched his chest hearing his heart beat. 

 "i meant each and every one of them here is where you belong" he said laying me on the bed gently. 

 "i love you so much" i said and claimed his lips. 

 "hmm, now that's the taste" he mumbled between the kiss.