medusa's plan

Next day. 

 Jackson pov. 

I opened my eyes slowly clearing them with my hands. The sight in front of me was just perfect. I removed a piece of her hair from her face just admiring her beauty. 

 If beauty was a time she would be eternity. I pecked her lips and she smiled softly. 

She blinked her eyes before finally opening them "i still need sleep" she pouted i chuckled at her childish behavior. 

 "come on we are going somewhere today get ready and come downstairs" i said and got off the bed. 

 I turned she was still there laying like a ply of wood. 

 "i can't move my legs and i can't go with this bite on my neck its worst than a hickey i can't believe you bite me" she said angrily moving her hair backward, the place at wear i bite her last night was still fresh. 

 "it's your fault so deal with it" i smirked. 

 "my fault" she yelled throwing a pillow at me but i caught it. 

 "yes, i have bitten you before this isn't the first time..." she threw another pillow at me. 

I sat on the bed leaning towards her"its your fault if u can't walk i quote 'i want more' " i mimicked her 

" so i let the beast in me take over don't lament now love last night u kept moaning my name almost scattering my ears drums or should i refresh your memory "i smirked tickling her legs she drew it back. 

 She just went mute with nothing to say" i love you, rest i will have my bath and prepare one for you don't come outside before u fall with ur wobbly legs"

 "Jackson" she yelled but i was already out of sight. 

I know her buttons and when to press them. 

 Allison pov. 

I have been sitting on this bed since morning with nothing to do but read books. 

 I managed with my baby steps to the mirror standing in front of it looked at the mark on my neck i smiled at it. It's called mate mark to let other wolves know u are already taken. 

 "Allison" Laura called opening the door i was stalted at first. 

 "Laura i missed you" i said. 

"you just saw me yesterday "she said raising a brow. 

 " i know am just bored and tired "

 " why did you over work your self last night "she said making a mischievous giggle. 

 " don't start cousin my legs still hurt, but am better now let's go for a scroll"

 I burst into a loud laughter after laura told me about what she did to Astrid. "i don't really know why the goddess gave me such a sister" i lamented. Ever since we met she has just been cold towards me. 

 "not my business, that will teach her a lesson" laura said "awwn" 

 "so when's the wedding" i asked excited when she told me about it i just felt happy for both of them. 

 "soon, i just love that family" she said. 

 "u met elsa and char so amazing girls.... Uncle" uncle Houston was coming towards our direction. 

I saw other men coming with him they are not our palace men, i turned around but laura was no where to be found. 

 Before i could scream he covered my face with a cloth carrying me away. 


I opener my eyes only to see total darkness i tried struggling but my hands and legs were tied. 

 The door creaked open i heard footsteps coming towards me the person removed the cloth from my face. 

 I muffled words because they had tied my mouth also. 

He removed it"uncle what is the meaning of this untie me this instance"i said but he just kept staring at me. 

 "am sorry alli" he tried touching my hair but i moved away. "i have to save my family i promise nothing will happen to you" he said, what is going to happen to me, am getting scared now. 

 "what do u mean let go of me" i yelled. 

 "medusa has my wife and son if i don't bring you to her she will kill them am sorry" he said my eyes widened in misbelieve. 

No she wants my baby, no way "no please don't do this she will take my baby from me pleased take me back home" i pleaded. 

 "don't worry we have a plan to save both, please do this for me please" he begged tears flowing from his eyes. 


"yes Allison just trust us"lussette said taking form from the darkness never knew she was there. 

 "aunt she will not spare anyone can't you see even if u give me to her what guarantee she will release them please don't do this" i begged trying to convince them otherwise. 

 "am sorry, i promise nothing will happen" lussette said that was all i heard last as my eyes shut down.

 Medusa pov. 

Today is going to be a glorious day, am going to deal with Houston and i will definitely kill someone. I kept staring at the knife in my hand i had laced it with black magic on cut and you will be dead instantly. 

I got the message from Houston he had arrived at the location we decided on. Finally. 

 "come on little witch let's go have some fun" i smirked keeping the knife inside a box.