Allison dies

Allison pov

 I screamed as the men tired me on an altar. I tried to break free but i couldn't. My head was arching very hard like they were hitting it, my all body was in pain it was i was been stabbed from the inside. I was dying. 

 I looked around and saw other witches all looking at me closely, they were all in white including sapphire. Medusa came in wearing a black garment and a snake Crown on her head. 

 "the pain u feel is just the beginning child, i want my power back" she yelled as the got to me. 

 She muttered some spells and a barrier formed separating us from the other witches, Marcus stood close giving me a sorry look. 

 Is this how i die. 

 She took a knife and slite my wrist open blood gripping out into a bowl. 

 "moon goddess, sun goddess i come to u today with the prophecy child asking for my powers back" she said and drank my blood out of the bowl. 

 "a soul for a soul, it's life form for my powers" she said, the sky changed immediately everywhere dark the thunders strikes brightened the place a little. 

 "ahh" i screamed as a thousand jolts of pain filled my all body i could feel my soul living my body

 "lusindia, notentos silec" she muttered constantly, she walked around me in circles muttering the spell i screamed in tears my whole body began giving up. 

 "goodbye" my subconscious Ness said i saw my self leaving the body. 


Someone threw a bomb in. 

My eyes began blurry from glimpses i saw a golden eyes in the smoke. My eyes gave up. 

 Jackson pov. 

Daniel men threw a bomb in. 

I and my other wolves shifted instantly. I let Mason take over. 

 The heretics had secretly covered ground with there men. 

 Mason growled loudly seeing Allison unconscious, i want to take over but i had to let him play his roll. 

 Soon guns shuts where hears as Daniel and his men began shooting the witches they dead instantly due to the portion Lucia gave. 

 *HAYDEN GUARD THE MEN TO THE LEFT*i ordered through the pack link. 

I growled as one of our wolf feel dying. They were just too much for us. 

 Daniel fought like a true king tearing any one with his sword. 


 Mason dumped on one of her men tearing him up we had to hurry. 

 "we will cover you do to her" Daniel shouted. 

 Mason began running towards the altar. 

Shoot!, Daniel shot one of the witches. 

 I charged into it but bounced me back. Protection shield. 

 I looked to my left and saw sapphire she was the one holding it up. 

I charged towards her but she lifted her hands up, blasting a fire ball at me. 

It didn't meet me"no"i yelled aldoph came in front of me. 

 *HAYDEN TELL ME YOU ARE ALRIGHT *i said through the pack link. 

 No reply he just lay there lifeless, i can't lose my best friend i watched closely and his paws moved. 


He got up immediately and launched on sapphire. In one bite he tore her in pieces, the shield came down. 

 Mason let me come forth "i will have to kill you myself" Medusa said through gritted teeth. 

 She blasted at me but i dodged it, Daniel came in immediately. 

 "you won't kill my child" he said he dropped his sword and drew out another one from his back. It looked different it was a katarna sword. 

 "this was forged from the blood of the greatest witch my wife the only thing that can kill you" he said fear gripped medusa. 

 "she began moving back little by little. 

" no i will leave if i don't she dies"saying that she bought out a knife and stabbed Allison in the heart. 


"no! "Daniel yelled, lussette muttered a spell and medusa feel down, kneeling. 

 I rushed to Allison said breaking all the chains. I removed the knife from her chest her heart was not beating anymore. 

 " you witch die"daniel said he crossed the sword on her neck and it feel off, her he picked it up 

 " we won"everyone jubilation were heard the remains witches vanished in fear. 

 "you can't die my diamond you just can't *Daniel muttered. I step back little before crashing on the floor. 

 I shouldn't be giving but things at hand said otherwise i mean there is no heartbeat even her body looked dried up. Where would i start from i can't live this life without you Allison please don't leave to suffer. 

" i can bring her back"someone said.