Semi finale

 "i can bring her back" someone said behind us. 


 Daniel pov. 

 "how please i will do anything bring my daughter back" i pleaded it was one of the heretics witches. 


"yes anything just bring her Jackson said standing up. 

 "when the times comes i will be back for it" she said. 

Soon she began muttering some spells. 

We all watched closely. "she will wake up at anytime" she said 

 "ahh" Allison screamed as her eyes jolted open. 

 "you are alive my child you are fine" i said and hugged her lightly her large stomach was coming between us. 

 "Jackson?" she said softly,trying to catch her breath i broke the hug u gave Jackson a smile and he came forth. 

 "my love am sorry i didn't find you on time pleased forgive" he cried kissing her hand. She just went mute letting her tears flow. 

 "ahh, Jackson my baby" Allison screamed. 

 *hospital *

 "due to the stress the patient has gone through during her pregnancy, it lead to some complications" 

 "we have tried but she just can't push, we have to operate on her" the doctor said. 

 "do what u have to do save them" i said and the doctor left 

 Few minutes 

"i don't know what to say this is strange, it's like it wants to stay in there "the doctor said

 I compelled the doctor" it is like it likes it's host it doesn't want out "he said truthfully. 

 " we have to give it something else to feed on we need Laura "lussette said. 

 Soon laura came as hayden called her. 

 " she keeps calling a name Jackson who is he, please we need him the patient needs to be stable before we can carry on"the doctor said as he rushed out of the icu again, Jackson followed him. 

 Jackson pov. 

I opened the door to see Allison laying on the bed in a hospital cloth. 

 "Jackson i don't think i can do it" she cried, i held her hand and squeezed it. 

 "you can, remember we promised to rise our child together u can't break that promise now" i said kissing her forehead. 

 "it hurts, it hurts" she cried the more, the metre began to beep rapidly 

 "stay calm hazel stay calm you can do it just breath" i said cleaning the sweat of her face. 

 Laura, lussette, Lucia and Astrid began muttering spells and the doctor began the operation. 

 She groaned as the doctor cut her stomach. 

 Soon cry of a baby filled the room"baby girl one"the doctor said handing the baby to a nurse. 

 Wait "baby girl one?, twins? " i asked and the doctor nodded. 

Another cry, Allison smiled "baby girl two" the doctor said again. 

 Everyone eyes widened no one expected knew they were twins. 

 "thank you i love you thank you so much" i said and kissed Allison she just smiled as tears of joy flowed does her eyes. Her eyes shut down. 

 Two days later. 

Two days and Allison hasn't woken up, the girls have been under the hospital care they were so tiny and beautiful just like there mother. 

 "wake up hazel the babies want there mummy who will pay with them, who will bath them, you have to wake up" i said sitting beside her. 

I just sat down watching her face her breath was ok, her skin became fresh just like when i first met her. 

 I stood up to leave when i heard my name. 

 "Jackson" she called i ran to her. 

 "you are awake" 

"my babies where are they i want to see them"she said. 

 "before that" i said without wasting time i knelt in front of her. 

 She sat up. "it was here i promised to always he by your side and now i promise to be with you til death do us part, we will raise our children with love and care, Allison will u do me the honour to be my wife" i said. 

 "yes yes i will" she said and brought forth her hand. 

 I passed the ring into her finger on top of the promise ring 

 "i love you so much" she said and hugged me.. 

 "i love you too my hazel" i said and claimed hee lips. 

 Few weeks. 

 Writer pov. 

 Allison and Jackson wedding were the talk of the town the most splendid and different one yet. 

 Since they were of different clans it came different traditions . 

 In the wolf pack Allison had to ride on Mason all over the woods masom howled loudly to announce that he has his mate now then the bite. 

 From Daniel, it was more like a white wedding but Allison had to suck Jackson blood as a sign of the bond. 

 They moved into there own house in california where they first met, with their baby girls