Chapter 024 Inviting Kushida-san to join the team! Next!

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There were only two milk tea shops in the entire shopping street, and after asking about the newly opened ones, the two quickly arrived at Nagumo's shop.

The name is Yayunju.

It's quite artistic, and the attendance rate is also quite high.

You will find many students wearing uniforms entering and exiting the store.

Then some students in their casual clothes came over to cheer.

If the shopping street is opened in a school, the only members that can be seen are the school students, faculty and staff, and then the employees of the shopping street.


Horikita Suzune sat opposite Oreki.

The two found a quieter corner to sit down.

Oreki and Horikita-san each ordered a milk tea.

Because Horikita-san was found to be frugal at noon, Oreki paid for her milk tea.

However, the waiter brought coffee.

According to Horikita Suzune, what she needs is coffee instead of milk tea. She has to study 10 hours a day to make her feel at ease.

Oreki didn't say yes or no.

He doesn't hate people who work hard.


This also shows that Horikita-san probably doesn't use her time efficiently.

"So, what do you think about opening a store?" Horikita Suzune asked the question she wanted to ask in school again.

"not so good."

But Oreki-san shook his head.

"It costs money to open a store, and the cost is not just a few million, but it starts with tens of millions."

"We need to collect points, not spend them."

"And that's just one of them."

"at the same time."

"Do you think someone who can't work part-time and then open a store will not make some preparations to prevent others from following suit?"

"And even if the other party lets go, the lion may open his mouth," Oreki said.

Horikita Suzune remained quiet.

After about ten seconds, she continued to ask, "So how do you collect points?"

"Are there any other plans?"

"Yes," Oreki said. "Let's open a store."

After realizing what he said, Horikita-san seemed to be about to speak again, and Oreki continued. "Don't be impatient."

"What I said about opening a store is just a way of saying it."

"It doesn't have to be open."

"The focus is on collecting points."

"You can use the excuse that you need points to open a store to collect points from some freshmen."

"I think they'd be happy to have a kick-in."

"For example, all the students in my Class A became poor because they bought school rules."

"But the students in Classes B and C are still very wealthy."

"Although there are expenses for enrolling new students, it is only the beginning of the month, so it is not difficult for everyone to spend 30,000 to 50,000 points," Oreki said. "I will borrow points from them and jointly open a store."

"Then I will accept the points."

And Horikita Suzune already understood.

Since Oreki-san said that it would be difficult to open a store, or that it would be impossible to open it at all.

So... now I'm talking about borrowing other people's points... so essentially I want... to have free food.

"This is a fraud," she said.

"Don't put it so harshly. You can also say it's borrowing or paying IQ fees."

"You know it yourself, this is a school where strength comes first."

"Points win."

"I will write out the contract terms," Oreki said. "So it's the willing who takes the bait."

Oreki pointed out his main mission.

[Main Mission-20 Million Points Battle]

[Task requirement: Collect 20 million points in three months]

[Remaining period of task: 119/120 days]

[Task reward: Superpower physique (physical transformation)]

[Current progress: 1.745 million points/20 million]

[Remarks: All the points earned by the host can be entrusted to Horikita Manabu, who is about to graduate in third grade, and they are guaranteed to be converted into cash. ]

The progress points include 50,000 points transferred from Karuizawa-san.

And this was lent to him first.

It is also defaulted to the points obtained by the system.

So even if the plan fails and they can only jointly open a store, the points borrowed from other freshmen can be counted as completing the system's tasks in his hands.

Of course, from this point of view, you can also choose to ask the student council president to borrow points.

The student council president has 45 million points, which can completely allow Oreki to complete system tasks first.

It's just that this is the last option, and Oreki doesn't want to choose it.


Knowing what happened today, the student council president who painted him a cake will probably ask him to join the student council.

What Horikita Manabu wants is to support people in to fight against Nagumo.


What he needs here is to fight Nagumo or the entire second grade. This is not a simple matter.


Since points can be exchanged for money, then naturally... I want to get something that becomes my own instead of borrowing money.

So he had his phone out and started drafting straight away.

"Borrow money from these students to open a store, borrow 30,000 or 50,000 points every month, and then repay the entire amount in the 12th month. And with 15% interest."

"If they comply, I'll pay them points."

"It's not a loss."

"But if they refuse, or break the contract midway, the points already collected will not be returned to them."

"And the person who can discover this situation is very likely to be the leader of Class B or Class C."

"As long as they call it a day, it means they have reliable representatives in their class."

"My class A needs to pay attention."

Taken aback.

So you also included an assessment to test the representatives of Class B and Class C?

"Then why don't you take Class D with you...uh."

Horikita Suzune just spoke and then shut up.

She wanted to say that since representatives from other classes were assessed, wouldn't Class D not be assessed?

But Oreki had already gone to Class D to sell information, and in the end, only 11 students were left.

And this means passing the assessment for

Class hopeless.

Although Horikita Suzune doesn't want to admit that she is a waste, and she also believes that she has strength.


An exam in which she could be useful has not yet appeared.

If she hadn't met Oreki, she might have been asked to drop out of school directly by her brother.

So Horikita's sister is not that tough.

at the same time.

She also has her considerations.

It is only the first month of assessment of the code of conduct.

According to the students observed during the day, they knew the school rules and still had points deducted in class.

She doesn't quite know how many class evaluation points will be left in the class after the month is over.

Are you even more unsure that your ability can be used in the class?

Therefore, perhaps following Oreki and collecting 20 million points is the right path.

"You have to know that if you can collect 20 million points, your brother will look at you differently."

"Don't you want to gain his approval?" Oreki threw his weapon at Horikita Suzune.

"…" Horikita Suzune. 

"I see."

Horikita-san fell into Oreki's store opening scam.


But since it is said to be a scam, someone must package it.

The banner is the successful milk tea shop owned by Vice President Nagumo.

You can directly ask someone to come to the site to see the situation.

"Because it was my suggestion, I will give you 10% of the reward," Oreki said.

"I understand this." Horikita Suzune nodded.

It's a little more reassuring.

Because Oreki didn't trick her into it. Instead, it gave her a chance to take a part of the money.

It should be said that she is quite lucky.

If she hadn't come to Oreki-san so early, Oreki wouldn't have taken her to the second-grade area, and naturally, she wouldn't have gotten so much information.

Then maybe Horikita-san was the one taking the blame at that time.

But Oreki also discovered that both he and Horikita-san had a weakness.

The two of them don't like contact with other people.

In other words, they are all lone wolves.

Oreki wanted to save energy, but Horikita Suzune simply thought that she could do it alone and no one else was needed.

So the two of them are not the kind of people who can trick people into the store.

To set up a situation, you need someone with considerable affinity and communication skills.

And don't such people already exist?


In the milk tea shop opened by Vice President Nagumo, Oreki met the little angel-like girl he met in Class D the day before.

Kushida Kikyo.

"Horikita-san, you finally paid attention to me."

"Is there something good going on?" She seemed to be in a pretty light mood.