Chapter 025 Kushida little angel, scapegoating little angel!

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The last time he went to Class D, Oreki discovered that Class D had two people who were good at adjusting to the atmosphere.

One is Hirata Yosuke and the other is Kushida Kikyo.

Since they were going to set up a scam, Oreki, and the others also needed someone who could create a matchmaking atmosphere and trick the students from Class C and Class B into joining them.

And what Horikita Suzune recommends is Kushida Kikyo.

"Why Kushida-san?" Oreki asked.

Although it is a setup, judging from the results.

1. The participating students of Classes B and C did not realize that this was a scam, so they paid the money every month according to the agreement, and Oreki borrowed it from them.

Then the money will be paid back with interest in the end.

Then these students are making money.

2. If any of the participating students from Class B and Class C found out that this was a scam and terminated the contract early, the points they had given to Oreki would not be returned.

So they lost, right?

It was a loss, but I also gained the representative of my class.

Someone once said that what can unite a team is the presence of an enemy.

And Oreki played this role.

So students in these classes become cohesive.

Well good for them.

And for Oreki, whether the students in Class B and Class C found out or not that this was a scam, he had something in his hand.

Overall, this is a win-win deal.


And now, Oreki-san looked at Horikita Suzune.

Horikita-san took a sip of coffee.

While waiting for Kushida-san to arrive, she told Oreki the reason.

"I don't want any friends."

"But Kushida Kikyo, she always wanted to be friends with me."

"If you just want to be friends, then it's nothing."

"When she introduced herself, she said that she wanted to become friends with everyone here and spend meaningful time on campus."

"only she's a little weird."

"She would pester me and wait for me in front of my dormitory in the morning. Trying to strike up a conversation."

"And I don't feel her so-called feeling of wanting to be friends with me," Horikita-san said.

That is to say.

Horikita Suzune is pestered by Kushida Kikyo.


Another reason why she singled out Kushida-san was that in her social interactions, she probably had not spoken to Hirata-kun, but had some contact with Kushida-san, who had been pestering her.

So I chose the one that was a little more mature.


If you can arrange for Kushida-san to come and take the blame, then Horikita-san, you are also in charge.

And Horikita-san is probably the kind of person who, because she is always alone, doesn't know what it means to be a friend, not just for use.



Oreki and Horikita waited for about six minutes before Kushida-san hurried over from the teaching building.

Just like what we saw on the first day, Kushida-san still maintains her cute appearance today.

Short blond hair, burgundy wine-like eyes.

Then there are the delicate features and sweet smile.

Her neck was very white, but there was a little bit of sweat on it.

She seemed to be running nervously.

"Horikita-san, you are finally willing to look for me. I ran right over after receiving the message from the teaching building," Kushida said. "Have you encountered anything good?"

But this is probably because she wants to win the favor of Horikita-san.

Horikita Suzune said that Kushida-san's behavior seemed to be trying to please her and looking for an opportunity for the two to become friends.

So the current behavior of running over after receiving the information is also trying to win people's hearts.

Of course, it could also be that she is an angel.

"Ara, Oreki-san is here too——"

Kushida-san was not shy about smiling, and when she looked at Oreki, she also showed a cute smile.


The one facing her was Horikita Suzune.

This person who has not known what friends are for the past ten years will release an awe-inspiring and cold aura at any time and does not understand the atmosphere.

So even though Kushida had a sweet expression on her face, Horikita-san didn't change her expression.

"I came to you today because I need your help." Horikita Suzune said with a straight face.

"Oh." Kushida stood at the booth.

She seemed to be thinking about how to sit down.

Oreki and Horikita Suzune chose the window booth for four people.

And now both of them are sitting against the corridor.

So she wants to be at the next table?

Judging from the first impression, the two specially ordered milk tea and coffee, so they should be together.

"Sit here." Oreki glanced at Horikita-san who looked like a straight girl.

He moved to the inside and gave up his seat.

"Thank you." Kushida Kikyo seemed to smile at him gratefully.

Then she showed a sweet, angelic smile.

at the same time.

Probably because she was sitting relatively close, the faint yet comfortable fragrance of Kushida-san wafted over.

And this is the smell of perfume.

The scent of jasmine.

And this is what girls are.

Oreki-san thought to himself.

While thinking about this, I looked in the direction of Kushida, only to find that she leaned forward and put her hands on the table, but the heart she had because of her good figure was also resting on her hands.

From a normal perspective, you won't notice anything.

But looking at Oreki from the's a bit majestic.


Don't look at this.

So Oreki, who was able to control himself, turned around and took out a prepared document.

Pitch it to Horikita Suzune.

And Horikita Suzune pushed the information to Kushida-san.

"This is?"

Kushida-san blinked softly.

"It's Oreki-san and my plan," Horikita-san said. "How many points do you think our Class D can get next month?"

Kushida-san's expression turned stiff.

She gently stroked the ends of her hair.

Showing a troubled expression.

"If Horikita-san wants me to persuade everyone -" Kushida said.

"I don't care about this." But Horikita Suzune shook her head.

"Oh." Kushida nodded lightly.

And Oreki noticed that Kushida seemed to be relieved. 

She explained that she was well aware of the situation in Class D, and she felt troubled by the idea of ​​persuading everyone to abide by the school rules since they knew it.

That is to say.

She didn't want to be the kind of character that would offend others.

And this is not angelic enough.

Oreki thought in his mind.

And Kushida-san has already read the rules of the store opening agreement that Oreki asked Horikita Suzune to hand over.