Isabella's Jealousy

In a distant corner shop that sold antiques, a young couple, Ava Jones and Liam Johnson, stood holding a carefully wrapped gift bag. Ava, Isabella's best friend, had a keen eye and immediately recognized Elara from a distance as she stepped into the sleek Tesla, driving away with an air of luxury.

Liam, glancing in the direction Ava pointed, remarked, "That's a sleek car. Even my father couldn't buy me that."

Ava, lost in thought, responded absentmindedly, "Is it that expensive?"

Liam chuckled, "You know nothing about cars, but that Tesla is amongst the best."

Ava nodded, trying to push aside the envy that surfaced at the sight of Elara in a Tesla. They hooked arms and strolled to their own car, leaving the antique shop behind. Ava's mind continued to wander, and the distraction lingered as they drove home.

Ava Jones, hailing from one of the city's prestigious families, was a character well-known for her spoiled demeanor. Born into opulence, her parents never hesitated to grant her every desire, making her accustomed to a life of indulgence. Notorious for her bullying tendencies, Ava's reputation preceded her in the elite circles of the city.

Her friendship with Isabella spanned over a decade, primarily due to the extensive business dealings between the Jones and the Morgan families. As she strolled towards her luxurious home, Ava reflected on the comfortable life she led. Her mother, Abigail Lee-Jones, a woman of exquisite taste and class, was seated in the living room, savoring a glass of fine wine.

Abigail, having grown up in an environment of utmost luxury as the daughter of a former minister, carried herself with an air of entitlement. Similar to her daughter, she had been pampered throughout her life. When Abigail married Samuel Jones, her father discreetly instructed him to ensure that his daughter lacked for nothing. Samuel, unquestioningly submissive, fulfilled this directive, and Ava became the sole focus of their affluence.

Ava's home exuded an atmosphere of wealth, adorned with expensive furnishings and exquisite art. As she entered, her mother looked up from her glass, acknowledging Ava's presence with a subtle nod. The lavish surroundings mirrored the lifestyle they had grown accustomed to, seemingly untouched by the mundane concerns of the outside world.

The Jones family, with their deep pockets and influential connections, held a significant place in the city's social hierarchy. However, beneath the façade of prosperity, secrets and complexities lurked, waiting to be unraveled. 

Abigail, nestled in the lap of luxury with a glass of fine wine, greeted her daughter, Ava, as she entered their opulent home. The sumptuous surroundings hinted at the family's wealth and the accustomed life of affluence they led.

"How was your day, dear?" Abigail inquired, her demeanor poised and graceful.

Ava, embodying an air of entitlement reflective of her upbringing, responded with a hint of excitement, "Great. I bought Grandpa's gift."

Abigail, pleased with the news, acknowledged, "Perfect. How is Liam? It's been a while since I saw him."

"He just dropped me off. You'll see him at Grandpa's party, Mom," Ava replied casually.

Noticing a shadow of concern on Ava's countenance, Abigail probed, "So why do you look aggrieved?"

Ava hesitated momentarily before confessing, "It's nothing."

Encouraged to share her thoughts, Ava finally admitted, "I need a Tesla, Mom."

Taken aback, Abigail questioned, "A Tesla? Why?"

Ava, her tone revealing a mixture of desire and determination, disclosed, "I just saw Elara Morgan driving one, and I need one too."

Abigail, slightly skeptical, remarked, "Elara, the daughter of William Morgan. The Morgans aren't so rich that they can buy Elara that car, and we all know she's not favored by her family."

Ava, unwavering in her assertion, insisted, "But I saw her driving it, Mom."

Abigail, injecting a touch of humor, suggested, "Hmm, I see. Maybe she found a sugar daddy."

The mother and daughter shared a laugh, and Abigail continued, "I'll talk to your dad. He'll get you one for your birthday, I'm sure."

Ava's face lit up with gratitude, "Yes, you are the best, Mom." The promise of a Tesla for her birthday added another layer of luxury to Ava's already privileged life.

Ava, still intrigued by the sight of Elara driving a Tesla, decided to reach out to Isabella, her best friend and confidante. Dialing Isabella's number, she waited for her friend to pick up.

"Hey," Isabella greeted.

"Hey, Isabella. I wanted to ask you something," Ava began.

Concern laced Isabella's voice as she inquired, "What's wrong?"

"I saw Elara today, driving a Tesla. Did your dad buy her one too?" Ava questioned.

Isabella, genuinely surprised, responded, "A Tesla? No, Dad didn't buy Elara a Tesla."

Ava, momentarily misunderstanding, thought both Isabella and Elara had received Teslas. She quickly corrected herself, "Oh, I thought you both got Teslas."

Isabella clarified, "No, where did you see her?"

"By the old district. Anyways, my mom promised me that I will also get one for my birthday," Ava shared, a sense of entitlement in her tone.

Isabella, feeling a twinge of jealousy, grumbled, "Well, congratulations are in order then."

Curiosity about Elara's sudden acquisition still lingered in Ava's mind. She pressed further, "So how did Elara get a Tesla?"

Isabella, revealing the information nonchalantly, replied, "I don't know. Maybe it's her sugar daddy."

Ava, taken aback, sought clarification, "Sugar daddy?"

Isabella, realizing she might have shared too much, quickly added, "Hey, forget I said anything. Please don't spread the news."

Ava, promising to keep it a secret, affirmed, "I won't tell a soul."

The friends then continued their conversation, touching on various topics before bidding each other goodbye. 

Amused by the gossip she had just acquired, Ava couldn't resist sharing it with her circle of friends. Opening a WhatsApp group chat that included all the affluent kids, she crafted a message with a mischievous smirk.

"Guys, you won't believe what I just heard," she typed, relishing in the anticipation of their reactions.

Within moments, multiple replies flooded in, each expressing curiosity about the juicy tidbit. Eager to spill the beans, Ava shared, "Elara Morgan married a sugar daddy."

A member of the group, unfamiliar with Elara, inquired, "Who is Elara Morgan?"

Quick to provide context, Ava clarified, "Isabella's sister."

The group erupted in a flurry of shocked and laughing emojis, and the discussion about Elara's unexpected marriage with a supposed sugar daddy took center stage. The news quickly became the hot topic among the rich kids, spreading through their social circles like wildfire.

In the living room, Isabella, still agitated by Ava's revelation, sat with her mother, Cecilia. Cecilia noticed Isabella's distressed expression and inquired about the cause.

"What is wrong, honey?" Cecilia asked.

Isabella sighed, "Elara was seen driving a Tesla... a Tesla, Mom."

Cecilia's eyes widened in surprise, "What? Who saw her?"

"It was Ava, Mom. Do you think Vincent bought her a Tesla?" Isabella pondered.

Cecilia considered the possibility and nodded, "That's the only explanation."

Isabella pouted, frustration evident in her voice, "Why can't I drive a Tesla, Mom? Elara got one, and Ava just told me her mom promised her one for her birthday."

Cecilia, with a hint of sadness, responded, "We can't afford a Tesla right now, dear."

"Why does Elara always get the finest things, Mom? Why?" Isabella expressed her frustration.

Cecilia, adopting a bitter tone, remarked, "Because she's a slut like her mother. Who knows, maybe she has consummated her marriage with Vincent and got that car in return. Besides, there was no way you would marry Vincent."

Isabella, indignant, retorted, "Who said that? I would have married him if he had picked me, but he had to pick that bitch." The resentment between the step-sisters simmered beneath the surface, fueled by envy and the contrasting paths their lives had taken.

Cecilia tried to console Isabella, "Don't worry; I'm sure Vincent will drop her soon. He just wanted a taste of her body, and now that he got it, he will divorce her."

Isabella, still feeling the sting of rejection, responded, "But that doesn't mean he will pick me."

Cecilia reassured her, "If you really wanted to marry him, you should have told me."

Isabella countered, "It wasn't going to make any difference because he specifically asked for her."

Cecilia attempted to lift Isabella's spirits, "Don't be sad, honey. Your boyfriend is also well."

Isabella, dissatisfied, admitted, "But not like Vincent Holloway."

Isabella then expressed a dark desire, "I wish she died from that poison."

Cecilia, with a cunning glint in her eye, responded, "She was just lucky, but we can make Vincent divorce her and choose you. I have a plan."

Isabella's eyes lit up, and she eagerly asked, "What is it, Mom?"

Cecilia leaned in, whispering a scheme to Isabella, and they both shared a wicked laugh. Isabella agreed, "That's a great idea, Mom." The two women seemed determined to manipulate the situation to their advantage, fueled by their own ambitions and resentments.

As Isabella and Cecilia plotted their devious scheme, the seeds of manipulation and revenge were sown in their hearts. Isabella, fueled by envy and a deep-seated desire for what Elara possessed, yearned for Vincent's attention. 

Little did they know, their malicious intentions would set in motion a chain of events that could have far-reaching consequences.