Vincent Is Injured

Elara returned to her new home, she parked at the garage and took a deep breath before getting inside.

Isaac was already waiting for her. "How was your day, ma'am?" he inquired.

"Great, thanks," Elara replied. Isaac gestured towards the sleek car. "What do you think of the car?"

"It's comfy, but too flashy for me. I think I'll get my Ford Mustang at home," she said.

Isaac assured her, "No need to worry, ma'am. I will get someone to fetch your car."

"Okay... is he back?" Elara asked.

"No, Mr. Holloway has left for an emergency work trip. He will be back soon," Isaac explained.

"Perfect, let me take a rest. It's been a long day," Elara said.

Isaac nodded, "Ma'am, dinner will be ready in an hour."

"Okay, I will be down in an hour then," Elara responded, making her way into the grand house.

Elara went to her room and quickly took off her clothes to shower. As she showered, she heard her phone ringing non-stop but ignored it. The water seemed to respond to her movements, almost dancing at her command. The realization that she possessed magical powers still fascinated her.

While playing with the water, her thoughts wandered to her mother and the mystery surrounding her identity. The desire to see Serendel, whoever that was, fueled her curiosity. After the shower, she dried her hair, and her phone continued to ring.

Annoyed, she checked the caller ID and saw it was Isabella. Elara dropped the call, but Isabella persistently called back until Elara reluctantly answered.

"What do you want, Isabella?" Elara asked.

"Did I interrupt your sexy time with your cripple husband?" Isabella sneered.

"If you don't say what you want, I will hang up," Elara warned.

Isabella continued with a mocking tone, "I heard that Mr. Holloway got you a Tesla. So that's how it's like using your body to bag the richest man."

"What do you want with him? I can give him to you," Elara replied sarcastically.

"You know he was adamant on choosing you," Isabella retorted.

Elara laughed, "Oh, you actually wanted him? Don't worry, I'll put in a good word for you."

Isabella, undeterred, said, "Everyone thinks you're married to a sugar daddy. Someone saw you driving a Tesla."

"My marriage is a secret, so who do you think told those gossipmongers that I'm married?" Elara retorted.

Isabella dismissed the conversation with a casual tone, "Whatever, I was just giving you a heads up."

Elara hung up, clicking her tongue in annoyance. The unresolved matter of the poison attempt lingered in her mind, and she patiently awaited the perfect time for her revenge.

Soon, Elara finished getting dressed and went downstairs for dinner. The dining table was already set, and she noticed that it now featured some dishes she preferred. She inwardly admired Isaac's attention to detail.

After enjoying her meal, Isaac spoke, "I hope you liked tonight's meal, ma'am."

Elara replied, "The food was great, thank you."

Isaac then mentioned, "Sir might not be back tonight."

"That's okay, I don't mind. I am off to bed now," Elara said.

"Okay, goodnight, ma'am. Please let me know if you need anything else," Isaac offered.

Elara declined, saying, "Oh no, thank you."

Isaac watched as Elara went upstairs and sighed. Earlier that morning, he had informed Vincent's mother and sister about the marriage, and they had instructed him to ensure Elara was treated well until she fell in love with Vincent. Isaac knew this would be challenging since Vincent's heart seemed as cold as stone. Vincent appeared unwilling to open up to a stranger.

Isaac could only hope that Vincent wouldn't mistreat Elara. He knew that once Mrs. Holloway and Angela returned, they would go to great lengths to make sure the two fell in love and became a real couple. Mrs. Holloway, being a hopeless romantic, was eager to hold her grandchildren. Isaac shook his head and let out a soft chuckle as he went to his own room. He anticipated that things wouldn't be easy for Vincent once those two formidable women returned, knowing they were the only ones who could influence Vincent in significant ways.

Elara received an email from Evie containing the script for the movie she would be auditioning for. As she read through the lines, she realized that the character, although having small parts, played a crucial role as a backbone in the story. It required a skilled actor to ensure the seamless progression of the narrative. Elara dedicated time to studying the script, committing not just the lines but also the emotions the character needed to convey.

After thoroughly familiarizing herself with the role, she closed her laptop and decided to call it a night. Despite the myriad thoughts swirling in her mind about her mother's company and her budding acting career, Elara found solace in the peace and quiet she had experienced in the mansion during the two days of her stay. It provided her with the perfect environment to strategize and plan for the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead in both her professional and personal life. As she settled into bed, she felt a sense of anticipation for the journey that awaited her.

After a few hours of sleep, Elara was awakened by a low-voiced commotion in the house. She overheard Isaac saying, "Sir, you are injured; you need to see a doctor."

Concerned, Elara got out of bed and followed the sounds until she reached the study. At the door, she heard an unfamiliar voice saying, "Sir, Doctor White is on the way. In the meantime, please allow us to stop the bleeding."

Vincent's strained voice replied, "You can't touch it; it's poisonous."

Unable to resist her curiosity, Elara pushed the door open, revealing three men in the room. Isaac noticed her and apologized, saying, "Sorry we woke you up, ma'am. You can go to sleep; everything is under control."

Ignoring Isaac, Elara turned to the unfamiliar man and demanded, "What happened to him?"

Vincent, in pain, responded, "None of your business. Didn't we agree to stay out of each other's business?"

Unfazed, Elara retorted, "I would love that as well, but since I am already awake, why not share the details? If you didn't want me to know, you should have gone straight to the hospital and come back when you felt better, rather than waking me up with your noise."

Vincent, taken aback, asserted, "This is my house; I come and go whenever I please."

Elara, surprising even herself, spoke boldly, "Since you insisted on marrying me, this is now my house as well. I am sleeping in my room, not causing any problems, and you come here making noise at 3 am in the morning and expect me not to wake up."

Both Isaac and the unfamiliar man were shocked by Elara's audacity. She herself was surprised at where she found the courage to speak to the man she feared the most. After her bold statements, she looked into Vincent's eyes, awaiting a reaction.

Vincent reluctantly disclosed, "A business deal went bad, and I was stabbed with a poisoned knife."

Shocked, Elara uttered, "What?"

Vincent, irritated, said, "You asked what happened, and I have told you. Now get out."

Refusing to back down, Elara insisted, "Oh yeah, let me see that wound. I did first aid in school."

Isaac interjected, "Ma'am, I don't mean to be disrespectful, but the wound doesn't need first aid."

Elara, undeterred, said, "Well, I want to see."

Approaching Vincent, she pulled up his shirt and was momentarily stunned by his well-defined abs. Shaking off her distraction, she focused on the wound, noting its depth. Elara then demanded, "Get me something to clean it with."

Isaac, complying, returned with antiseptic liquid and a cloth. Elara ordered, "Perfect, now get me some water."

As Elara poured water onto the wound, she gave a soft blow, appearing to those on the side as an attempt to ease the stinging pain. However, in reality, she was experimenting with her newfound magical abilities, attempting to command water to aid in the healing of at least the injured organs.

"Done. Now try and keep the noise down; I want to sleep," Elara declared, leaving the three men bewildered in the room. Little did they know that the poison had already entered Elara's system, and she was relying on her magical abilities to expel it from her body. She walked out, leaving the men to ponder the unexpected turn of events.

In her room, Elara hastily made her way to the bathroom, a sense of urgency gripping her. As she reached the toilet, she vomited a strange-colored substance, the physical manifestation of the poison that had entered her system when she touched Vincent's wound. The act of expelling the toxic substance brought both relief and a sense of awe at the capabilities of her magical powers.

For a few minutes, Elara continued to purge her body of the poison, each retch a testament to her body's ability to expel the harmful elements. As she finished, she felt drained but also cleansed, the foul taste lingering in her mouth a reminder of the ordeal.

Elara washed her mouth to rid herself of the unpleasant taste, and, despite the unusual turn of events, she returned to bed.