Evie's Curiosity

After leaving Enchanted Entertainment, Elara took a cab and went to see Evie. Evie warmly embraced her and said, "Hey babe, you look happy."

Elara smiled, replying, "Of course, I am happy. We are going to be working hard very soon."

Curious, Evie asked, "What do you mean?"

"Enchanted Entertainment will start operations in two weeks. So, I think you need to quit your part-time job by then," Elara explained.

Evie jumped in excitement, exclaiming, "Don't worry, I will bring you very good artists, and the company will become one of the best."

Elara nodded, "And I trust you. But you will be my manager. I'm very jealous; I don't want to share you."

Evie laughed, saying, "For the time being, you have to, darling."

The two friends continued talking and laughing. Suddenly, Evie turned serious and asked, "How is your married life?"

Elara sighed and admitted, "Nothing out of the ordinary, but..."

Concerned, Evie interrupted, "What's wrong? Is he mistreating you? You can tell me."

Elara hesitated before responding, "Even if he was mistreating me, what would you do about it?"

Evie's expression grew determined, and she asserted, "Well, you don't know how far I would go for you."

Elara laughed and said, "No, he is not mistreating me. His mother and sister have returned."

Evie responded, "They don't like you? Who wouldn't like you? You're the most lovable person I know."

Elara explained, "It's not that. They are just too much for me. They keep emphasizing that I should have a child."

Evie teasingly asked, "What, a child? Are you two?"

Elara blushed and said, "No, Evie, we're not doing that. We actually sleep in different rooms. It's just that we had agreed to get a divorce soon, and now..."

Evie interrupted, "You think his mother won't agree to it?"

Elara sighed, "She's just too happy that he's married."

Evie suggested, "You can tell them that you're still too young to have babies."

Elara considered it and said, "I will try and talk to Vincent so he can talk to his mother and make her understand."

Evie encouraged her, "Good. Now let's forget about them. Are you ready for the audition?"

Elara confidently replied, "I was born ready, babe. You know I got this."

Evie grinned, saying, "This role will make everyone know you."

Elara asserted, "I will get that role, no matter what."

Evie added, "That's the spirit I want. Now, let's rehearse a bit."

Elara questioned, "How will you know if I did good?"

Evie chuckled, "Don't underestimate me, my friend. I have studied and watched too many movies; I know good acting when I see it."

Elara took out the script, the pages crisp with anticipation. As she began to recite her lines, she poured her heart and soul into the performance. Evie, the astute observer, offered insightful comments on certain nuances, suggesting changes that would elevate Elara's portrayal of the character. The rehearsal became a collaborative effort, a dance of words and emotions that unfolded over the course of two hours.

As they concluded the intense session, Elara let out a sigh, feeling the fatigue settle in. "I am tired now. Can we just rest?" she requested, a subtle vulnerability in her voice.

Evie, with a warm chuckle, responded, "You are very good, Elara. I am now 100% sure you will get the role."

A playful banter ensued as Elara teased, "Oh, you didn't trust me?"

Evie's eyes softened with sincerity, "Not that I didn't trust you. I was just worried, okay?"

Their laughter echoed through the room, creating a comforting melody that resonated with the camaraderie shared between the two friends. The script, now temporarily set aside, became a testament to their dedication and shared dreams.

As they shifted to more personal topics, the atmosphere became a tapestry of memories woven together. Elara and Evie reminisced about good old times, tracing the contours of their journey, the highs, and the lows. In those moments, the emotional tapestry of their friendship unfolded, revealing layers of trust, understanding, and unwavering support.

Evie, with a genuine smile, became the sole witness to the vulnerability Elara often kept guarded from the world. It was a connection that went beyond the professional; it was a bond forged through laughter, tears, and the shared pursuit of dreams.

Elara, speaking with heartfelt sincerity, expressed, "You know, Evie, you are the only person who truly sees me. You make me feel complete, and I am grateful for that."

Evie, touched by the sentiment, replied, "And you, Elara, are my anchor. Together, we'll conquer the world of entertainment."

Their differences in status or background were inconsequential in the face of the unbreakable bond they shared. Elara harbored a deep conviction that, one day, she would not only climb the peaks of the entertainment industry but also bring her friend Evie along, sharing the success they had dreamt of since their earliest days. The day unfolded in the warmth of shared dreams, providing solace in each other's presence and a promise of a future forged through unyielding friendship.

Elara, sensing the passage of time, reluctantly remarked, "It's getting late; I should get going."

Evie pouted playfully and said, "I wish you didn't have to go."

With a small smile, Elara explained, "I have dinner with Vincent and his family."

Evie raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh, really?"

Elara sighed, her expression revealing a mix of frustration and resignation. "It's a celebratory dinner. Now you see what I mean when I say they are just too excited."

Evie teased, "Well, you have no choice, darling. You have to please your mother-in-law."

Elara replied with a half-hearted, "Whatever." She took out her phone and dialed Vincent's number, contemplating the impending call. It was the first time she had to initiate contact with him, and she wasn't quite sure how to greet him. Evie, finding amusement in her friend's dilemma, laughed softly and reassured, "You will get used to it."

The phone rang a few times, but no one answered. Elara hung up, a mix of relief and disappointment flooding her. She wished she didn't have to make that call, but reality dictated otherwise. She had to attend the dinner with Vincent, and the looming prospect of facing his family brought a wave of uncertainty and apprehension. 

Just as Elara had decided to call a cab to the restaurant, her phone rang, and she saw that the caller was Vincent. She answered, her voice a careful "Hello."

Vincent on the other end asked, "Are you done?"

Elara replied, "Yes, I am done. I will text you my address; you don't have to personally come here. You can just get a driver. I will explain to your mom."

Vincent responded, "I am done at the office anyway, so I will be there in a few minutes."

Elara said, "Okay," and she hung up. Evie, ever observant, teased, "What, don't want to ride with your husband?"

Elara's expression hardened, and she retorted, "Please stop calling him that."

Evie chuckled, saying, "But he is your husband."

Elara sighed, her gaze distant, "I wish he wasn't." The weight of unspoken struggles and emotions hung in the air as Elara prepared to face the evening, navigating the complexities of family dynamics and her own conflicted feelings.

Evie, with an air of excitement, exclaimed, "I want to meet him! I can finally see the infamous Vincent Halloway in person!"

Elara chuckled, shaking her head, "You are something else, you know."

As Elara's phone rang again, Vincent's voice came through, "I am outside." Evie lived in a disadvantaged area of the city, and Vincent's car, undoubtedly luxurious, attracted attention. People gathered in small groups, curious about the visitors and the purpose of their arrival.

Elara and Evie walked outside, the surroundings filled with whispers and glances. The driver opened the back door and said, "Madam, you can get in." Evie's eyes quickly jumped to the man seated in the back. She nudged Elara and whispered, "He is more handsome in person." Elara rolled her eyes and said, "We'll talk later. I love you."

Evie teased, "Hey, are you not going to introduce me?"

Elara sighed, whispering back, "Stop it."

"I'm serious," Evie insisted.

Elara, resigned, dragged Evie closer to the car and said, "Vincent." He looked up, awaiting Elara's words. She continued, "This is my best friend, Evie."

Vincent glanced at Evie and said, "I know. Now get in before we run late."

Evie, undeterred, said, "Call me when you get home, Elara. We have so much to talk about. By the way... love you too."

As Elara boarded the car and left with Vincent for the restaurant to meet Madam Holloway and Angela, Evie stood on the sidewalk, watching the car disappear into the city's hustle and bustle.