Ella Ward

The ride to the restaurant unfolded in a curtain of silence, punctuated only by Elara's intermittent sighs. Sensing her unrest, Vincent finally broke the quietude. "If you have something to say, say it."

Elara hesitated but then spoke her mind, "I think you should tell your mother the nature of our marriage."

"Why?" Vincent queried.

"Because she keeps insisting that we have babies," Elara replied.

Vincent closed his laptop, considering her words. "Why should I be the one telling her?"

Elara responded firmly, "You are the one who insisted I marry you, so you should tell her."

Vincent, with a hint of defiance, remarked, "Mom is too happy, right? I haven't seen her that excited about something in a while. So, tell me, Mrs. Holloway, why should I burst her bubble like that?"

"The truth will come out eventually. We are sleeping in different rooms," Elara insisted.

Vincent retorted, "You should have told me you wanted us to share a room."

"No, that's not what I meant," Elara clarified. "I mean—"

Vincent interrupted, "I get you, but I won't be telling her anything for now."

Annoyed, Elara clicked her tongue and turned her head to face the window, gazing at the city lights. The journey to the restaurant became a metaphorical exploration of the complexities that lingered beneath the surface of their seemingly tranquil marriage.

They arrived at the restaurant, and Elara patiently waited as Vincent settled into his wheelchair. Vincent spoke, breaking the tension in the air, "Let's just pretend for a few months. I will find a way to break the news to her."

Elara sighed, realizing that Vincent's deep affection for his mother was something she admired. Witnessing the excitement in Mrs. Holloway's eyes, Elara understood that revealing the truth now might shatter that happiness. She reluctantly agreed, "Okay... but you need to talk to her about having kids."

"Okay," Vincent assented.

Elara then pushed Vincent inside, and they made their way to the reserved private room. As they entered, Mrs. Holloway and Angela were already seated, accompanied by three individuals Elara had never seen before.

Angela stood up excitedly, "Brother, sister-in-law, please come, we have been waiting for you." Vincent nodded in acknowledgment, observing the unfamiliar faces in the room. Mrs. Holloway turned to Elara, "Come, dear, let me introduce you. This is my old friend, Mrs. Ward, and her two kids, Carter and Ella."

Elara smiled and greeted them, "How are you?"

Mrs. Ward commented, "Impressive, she is very beautiful."

Carter added, "Indeed, pleasure to meet you."

Ella, with a curious gleam in her eyes, said, "Hi." Elara noted an intensity in Ella's gaze, though the reason remained elusive, as they had never met before.

Angela announced, "Today, we are celebrating my brother's marriage. So, everyone, let's feast and enjoy the night." Elara, uncertain of how to navigate the conversation, sat next to Vincent.

Ella, curious, asked, "I have never seen you before. Are you from around?"

Elara replied, "Yes, I was born and raised here." Mrs. Holloway added, "She is Genny's daughter."

Mrs. Ward, recognizing the name, remarked emotionally, "Are you serious? Look at her, all grown up. The last I saw her..."

Mrs. Holloway gave Mrs. Ward a meaningful look, and she tactfully changed the subject, "You have your mother's eyes."

Elara smiled gratefully, saying, "Thank you."

Ella, attempting to make a connection, inquired, "You are from the Morgan family?"

Elara confirmed, "Yes."

Ella then realized, "Oh, you are Isabella's sister."

Elara offered a simple acknowledgment, "Hmm."

Angela and Mrs. Holloway, sensing Elara's reticence, skillfully shifted the conversation to lighter topics, allowing the evening to unfold with a mix of celebration and unspoken ties.

Carter continued stealing glances at Elara, prompting irritation from Vincent. In response, Vincent directed a cold glare at Carter, causing him to cease his attention towards Elara. Ella, too, couldn't help but cast frequent glances at Elara, but Elara noticed that when Ella looked at Vincent, it was with eyes full of admiration.

Sensing the need for a moment away, Elara announced, "I need to go to the restroom." Ella swiftly stood up and insisted, "Let me go with you." Elara, indifferent, shrugged her shoulders, and Ella followed her out.

In the privacy of the restroom, Elara rushed to relieve herself. When she emerged, Ella was waiting by the sink. Without preamble, Ella confronted her, "What do you want with Vincent?"

Elara, taken aback, asked, "What do you mean?"

Ella, with a hint of accusation, stated, "I have known Vincent since I was young, and I know he would never settle for you."

Elara retorted, "You mean he would settle for you then?"

Stuttering, Ella clarified, "That's not what I mean. You and Vincent are not compatible. Vincent deserves a strong wife who can also help him."

Elara scoffed, "And you can?"

Ella asserted, "My family is in politics. My father is the Minister of Finance."

Elara, unfazed, remarked, "Oh, I see. If that's all, I would like to go back to my dinner."

Ella, not backing down, urged, "You have to divorce him."

Elara, defiant, questioned, "And what happens if I don't?"

Ella warned, "You don't want to test me. I know even your family doesn't like you. Vincent will get tired of you and leave you. So, save yourself the heartache and divorce him now."

Annoyed, Elara clicked her tongue and said dismissively, "Whatever." She walked out, leaving Ella fuming in rage, their encounter setting the stage for a clash of intentions and unspoken challenges.

Ella Ward harbored a secret that had been a constant companion since she was merely 10 years old. In the depths of her heart, she carried a profound crush on Vincent, a man a decade older than her. Throughout her adolescence, she wove dreams of a future where Vincent would be her husband and the father of her children. Despite her relentless efforts to capture his attention, Vincent remained oblivious to her advances.

Undeterred by the lack of acknowledgment, Ella clung to the hope that one day Vincent would see her differently. She experimented with various strategies, convinced that perhaps the age gap was the obstacle. She altered her style, adopting a more mature appearance, but still, Vincent remained indifferent.

Now, with Vincent married to Elara, who was also a decade younger, Ella was forced to confront the truth—it was never about the age. Frustrated and desperate for attention, Ella grappled with the realization that she needed to do more to capture Vincent's regard.

The sight of Elara, the woman who now held Vincent's attention, grated on Ella's nerves. If it weren't for the presence of her mother and brother, Ella contemplated not returning to the private room, harboring a storm of unrequited desires and resentment within her.

Upon returning to the room, Vincent keenly observed a subtle change in Elara's expression. Sensing her discomfort, he leaned in and asked, "Is everything okay?"

Elara, attempting to conceal her inner turmoil, replied, "Yeah, I'm good. Nothing I can't handle."

Vincent, concerned, offered, "Do you want to go home?"

Elara, considering the implications, hesitated, "What will your mom say?"

"Let me worry about that," Vincent assured. Meanwhile, Carter and Ella observed the whispered exchange, each harboring their own thoughts. Ella, consumed by jealousy, clenched her fists, her eyes never leaving Vincent and Elara. Carter, on the other hand, maintained a slight smile, carefully concealing his thoughts as he enjoyed his glass of wine.

Suddenly, Vincent announced, "Mom, I need to go and rest. I had a long day at the office."

Mrs. Holloway, engaged in conversation with Mrs. Ward, responded, "Oh, okay. You can take Elara with you. We will meet at home."

Elara stood up, and with a sense of urgency, wheeled Vincent out of the room. They made their way to the car, leaving behind a room filled with unspoken tensions and the weight of unexplored emotions.

Ella found herself unable to enjoy her dinner any longer. The sight of Vincent leaving with Elara, knowing they shared a home, fueled a simmering rage within her. The warmth of the celebratory evening had been replaced by the cold echoes of envy, casting a shadow over Ella's thoughts as the night unfolded.