
The hospital corridors were thick with an ominous hush as Vincent and Luke sat in the waiting area, their expressions grim masks of barely restrained fury. 

"That Sophia Davis is now ruined," Luke stated grimly, no hint of satisfaction in his voice despite the media massacre they had orchestrated against the actress.

Vincent's jaw ticked. "Oh, but I am not done with her yet."

He could feel Luke's penetrating gaze upon him. "What do you have in mind?"

For a beat, Vincent allowed the full depths of his simmering wrath to bleed into his eyes. "I want her behind bars," he bit out. "But for now, I want her to try and salvage the situation, thinking it's going somewhere. Then we initiate phase two."

A slow, cruel smile etched itself across Luke's features as he processed the implications. "Lure the snake out into the open before delivering the killing blow, eh? I like your thinking."