Old Friends

The hospital room was bathed in the ethereal blue glow as Seraphina worked her mystical energies over Elara's prone form. Beads of sweat began forming on the enigmatic woman's brow, evidence of the immense concentration and power being channeled through her ritual movements.

Vincent watched with bated breath as Elara started stirring restlessly amidst the pulsating azure cocoon enveloping her. He caught Marina's eyes shining with a profound mix of wonderment and familiarity at witnessing these arcane abilities first-hand.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity unto itself, Seraphina lowered her hands, the radiant light dissipating slowly. She looked physically spent but radiantly triumphant. 

"She will be fine," Seraphina stated, her voice tinged with weariness. "Her own magic had already started the healing process. But since she has not touched the grounds of Serendel, her magic is not at its peak potential."