December 20th, xxxx

I GENUINELY CARE ABOUT you. I genuinely care about you.

Those words play on refrain in an annoying loop as if Precious needs constant reminding that he'd been an A-grade asshole. If Precious isslightly amused, he'd have said that this was their first fight. Only him can achieve that in the span of a few weeks.

Turns out, having a personal, not so personal argument with your Captain isn't a fun pastime. As it'd have it, Kamil can be scarily professional when he wants to be. There's no trace of the friendly Shifter Precious will miss if this cold war continues.

An apology is in order. Precious knows this. But knowing something and doing it are two different things. It'll blow over, he tells himself. They'll go back to the way they were. Kamil will get over it. [Okay. Try to get over someone calling you useless.]