December 21st, xxxx (Morning)

KAMIL ENTERS IN DETERMINATION, confidence and a barrel of kisses. The kiss takes Precious by surprise, his sleep laden body at alert and the headache creeping in vanishes.

Precious sighs, smiles and says, "This definitely woke me up. You should come in every morning."

Kamil kisses him again. "What, your coffee isn't doing the trick?"

Precious swats at him. "Don't mock my coffee or I'll do the same to your tea."

Kamil responds by kissing him more. In between toe curling, spine shocking kisses asks, "When's Nuka supposed to be here?"

"Nine," they both glance at the clock reading 8:30a.m, "We have time."

By the wet kisses Kamil gives him, Precious knows that there won't be slow this time. Not now. Kamil cups his face. Grips his shoulders. Nudges his legs apart.