January 3rd, xxxy

TIME TICKS SLOWLY IN the house. Just the way Kamil likes. The room smells like sweat and sex. Precious is talking in a hushed tone about North Star.

At the beginning, it had been about a long forgotten tradition regarding shamans and their harem.

According to the past, Shaman powers were heightened the stronger their love was but asking bondmates to look the other way while they're sharing their mate like a piece of cloth is a recipe for jealousy and disaster.

Kamil wants the custom of treating a new homeowner like royalty to be recognized again because owning a home is an incredible feat that was dramatically celebrated what with the one month royalty treatment.

A slew of inconsequential trivia that every now and then Precious will raise his head to make sure Kamil is listening. Kamil listens raptly, playing with his curls, a stupid, silly smile on his face.