January 5th, xxxy

IT FALLS LIKE TEARDROPS, the snow. The sun is sky is like a landscape of foam and cotton, the sun a small glob behind. It's an early afternoon but it doesn't look like one.

It look like dawn after a drizzle, dusk after rain. From inside looking out, the snow is a comforting pasttime. Tranquil. The vibrant colours and fast-paced sounds of the animation they're watching is a boost to his mood.

Precious is lying on the bed on his stomach, bedcover over his naked ass, engrossed in the tv. His mouth hangs open, distracted but when the watermelon Kamil feeds him sinks in his tongue, he chews.

They're having an early lunch because for the better part of the day, Kamil will be extremely busy revamping their security. The emergence of snow means the Winter Forest will be wilder than usual. Precaution needs to be taken against the wolves, birds and the children's tendency to stray farther from the path.