January 13th, xxxy

NUKA IS SO PISSED he can punch a hippo. That's how mad he is. Tear it from limb to limb. He is so mad he is shaking.

He thought by now he'll have gone through all five stages of grief, accepted his fate but by the third day of being ostracized by Nia, his anger started to grow. It grew so big it's life-sized.

So what if they shared a somewhat intimate moment? He was the one who made the biggest fool out of himself, Nia's arousal notwithstanding. The normal thing to do is to laugh about it, right?

It'll be their own inside joke. Haha, Nuka was so horny all I had to do was hover atop him. Haha, if a rock collapse on you, just jerk off.

Oh, goddess. He had jerked off. Outed himself, outed his fantasies. He should be the one embarrassed. He should be avoiding her. At the very least, they can talk about it. Maybe he'll apologize if she had been uncomfortable.