January 15th, xxxy

IT IS THE COLDEST night of the year. The perfect night to curl in front of a fire and take a nap that will solve all your problems: a nap that will cleanse and starve any negative emotions.

It is the coldest night to either sleep naked spread eagled on the bed or sleep in your wolf form spread eagled on the floor. It is not the night to be awake. It is not the night to waste energy doing something besides sleeping.

Sleep is the goal.

According to Precious, this is the perfect night to languish in the pool, arms spread on either side of him.

He has a smirk on, as if this is the best idea he has had in ages. The best idea would be opening all doors and windows sleeping under the covers as naked as a baby.

Kamil is dressed for the sleeping part. Pyjamas he was hoping to take off once it is time. It is the wrong thing to wear for whatever Precious has in mind.

"What are you doing?"