January 23rd, xxxy

A PRODUCTIVE DAY IF Kamil says so. First year as Captain during the winter and he gives kudos to the previous Captain. Ensuring the strength of their security during the winter isn't an easy feat.

This is the season everything knows it'll fail, crack, crumble, stop working without explanation. Thank the Goddess for efficient division of labour: the soldiers knew their duties and didn't give him headache because of it.

Having had dinner two hours ago, Kamil thinks he could eat but he's sure that once he hit that shower, he is climbing into bed immediately. Tomorrow's breakfast will be at the crack of dawn.

Clammy with sweat and dirt, he pulls off his shirt off right from the door. He smells clover and butter in the air before he sees Precious leaning on the kitchen countertop fresh from the shower: damp hair, wearing a long loose shirt.