March 2nd, xxxy

ALPHA BLUE SUN IS bored to the max. He can not believe he is stuck between two passive idiots. As someone who values family, he is disappointed his plan is not working. Not entirely.

Someone other than North Star will be coming for his head, wouldn't they? They will stage a riot, a coup, an attack, start a war if Blue Sun has their family member in possession.

Not North Star though. The Alpha treats his brother like a speck of dust. A minor inconvenience. It is as though, if Cam were to spend the rest of his life in Blue Sun, North Star will hardly bat his pretty eyelashes.

Which means, Blue Sun needs to amp up the stakes. Pour salt on the wound, throw coal in a fire. It just sucks that he has promised to be a team player for this damned wedding that there is no bride for. Yet.