March 2nd, xxxy

"WHY IS EVERYTHING SO blindingly white?" twirling a glass of white wine, Alpha Vermillion a.ka. Rust faux whispers to Alpha Regina (a.k.a Regent) "What is up with that?"

"Don't take my word for it but I hear the bride loves white."

"What does that have to do with us though?"

"The decorations. The dress code for the guests. She wants to be wed in white," Magnolia explains as if the reason should be clear.

"Again, what does that have to do with us? They should keep that shit in the bedroom. Why include us?"

Rust does a duh, fixed it face at Magnolia who isn't invested in the conversation but at the meat skewers on his plate.

"This is a once in a lifetime occasion for Rivers. Let him do what he wants," legs crossed, head in her palm, Snowdust lazily dance a fringer around the rim of her empty wine glass.

"You mean, what the bride wants. Is this what compromise is? Too much white?"