March 6th, xxxy

"THE ALPHAS ARE HAVING one last community ally bonding thing," Precious announces as he flings open the door, tying his hair back into a messy bun and using his foot to close the door. "In the spirit of and for the happy occasion.

"No Captains allowed?"

"No Captains allowed."

"Ah. What will you do about my boredom then?" Precious glance at him as he takes off his shoes. "If you're bored while reading, you aren't concentrating hard enough. But if you want, the others are downstairs somewhere. You can meet up with them."

To be honest, Kamil is tired of socializing. In this evening, what he wants is to relax, preferably with Precious beside him. Still in book one of the fantasy series Precious borrowed, he thought it will be funny to nag someone who had read them.

But this is good too. Precious undressing and...

"Are those my clothes?"

"Hmm? Yeah. I didn't bring any casual wear."