Chapter 333 The Winter War (2)

Wilhelm nodded, stepped onto the podium, and looked at the soldiers below, most of whom were of similar age. He spoke slowly, "During the last great war, your predecessors roamed the European battlefield, posing a significant threat to the Allied forces. The Allied soldiers were terrified of our snipers, who appeared like ghosts in the trenches, earning them the title 'invisible devils.'

"And this time, not only are you to inherit the glory of your predecessors, but you must also carry it forward. Become the battlefield reapers that make the enemy shiver, instill fear, and crush the enemy's morale!"

"I also wish for a world without war, only peace. Unfortunately, that's just a simple and beautiful wish. Because humans have desires, where there are people, there are conflicts, and where there are conflicts, there will be war.

I've studied the history of human warfare and found that from 1496 BC to 1861 AD, for 3357 years, humanity engaged in warfare for 3130 years. There were only 227 years of brief peace.

Later, I came to a conclusion: Wars cannot be stopped by mere words. Just like after the last war when those so-called victorious nations held the Paris Peace Conference, the Washington Conference, established the Versailles-Washington system, formed the League of Nations, and signed treaties like the Locarno Pact and the Kellogg-Briand Pact—what is the situation now?

Poland's despicable actions forced us to take retaliatory measures because, as the German Emperor, I cannot stand idly by while my people are being slaughtered. Yet, our just counterattack led to declarations of war from England and France!!

Since they want war, then let's give them war. The only thing in the world that can eliminate war is war itself. Therefore, I've decided to forge a powerful empire through war, sparing your descendants from experiencing the cruelty of warfare."

"This will be a prolonged war, and all I can provide you with are the best tactics and weapons. In the academy, you must train these tactics into your instincts; only then can we ensure an increased chance of survival."

Snipers are the most hated unit on the battlefield. They often unleash silent shots, causing constant anxiety. This accumulates high levels of hatred from the military towards snipers, and any army that captures a sniper will inflict cruel reprisals. Snipers have thus become the most tragic unit on the battlefield. Once captured, they have almost no chance of survival and often face inevitable death.

"I hope each and every one of you can live to see the end of the war, witness the prosperity of Germany, and see how Germany integrates Europe into a great empire. Even if you fall on the battlefield, everything you've done will be remembered by future generations and passed down for a thousand years. Because of your dedication, Germany will endure forever!"

"Long live Germany!"

"Long live Germany!"

Deafening cheers echoed over the academy.

After the cheers subsided, Wilhelm continued, "Let me share some good news with everyone. The SVD sniper rifle has entered mass production, and the first batch will arrive at the academy soon. Of course, the rewards are still in effect, and this time the reward for 50 points is this." The SVD sniper rifle, also known as the Dragunov sniper rifle.

After World War II, the Soviet Union proposed the concept of designing a semi-automatic sniper rifle, aiming to improve shooting accuracy while ensuring reliable operation in harsh environmental conditions and maintaining simplicity, lightness, and compactness.

Designed by Yevgeny Fyodorovich Dragunov, the firing mechanism of the SVD can be considered a simplified enlarged version of the AK-47. However, to enhance shooting accuracy, the SVD's gas piston is different from the AK-47. The AK-47's piston is integrated with the receiver, while the SVD uses a short-stroke piston design. The gas piston is located separately in the piston cylinder, moving backward under the pressure of gunpowder gas. It impacts the receiver, reducing the off-center movement caused by the piston and piston rod, thereby improving shooting accuracy. The SVD has a spread of 395mm at a distance of 600 meters, equivalent to a spread of 14.17 inches at 600 yards. NATO's requirement for sniper rifles is 15 inches, and the accuracy is even better than the Mosin-Nagant 1891/30.

It can be said that the SVD rifle is a milestone in the history of sniper rifle development, the progenitor of modern professional sniper rifles. It combines high-precision firearms, high-precision ammunition, and a scope with complete ranging and ballistic correction functions, forming the world's first complete system of sniper rifle models in human history.

However, precisely because of this, the SVD also has many shortcomings and deficiencies.

On the side, Anna took a sniper rifle from the trunk and placed it on the platform. Wilhelm raised it. "This brand-new sniper rifle, I named it MSG90; magazine capacity is 20 rounds, effective range is 1000 meters. However, to ensure accuracy and range, the weight reaches 6.5 kilograms." The MSG90 in the future is the military version of the PSG1, with the acronym standing for Militärisches Scharfschützengewehr in German, meaning militarized sharp-shooting rifle.

Compared to the SVD sniper rifle weighing 3.7 kg without a scope, this MSG90 is nearly 3 kg heavier. However, Wilhelm had no choice; after all, there are gains and losses.

"Unfortunately, due to craftsmanship and material issues, this gun cannot be mass-produced. It can only be used as a reward for top-notch snipers." The MSG90 not only has a delayed roller locking mechanism made of titanium alloy, but also a plastic stock; these features were successfully developed not long ago, and the production capacity is not sufficient.

Many things ahead of their time are like this, not impossible to make, but the cost of materials and funds is exorbitant. If cost is not a concern, this era can also produce various famous weapons and equipment from the future. However, the price may be tens of times higher than the existing weapons and equipment. Only a mad military would adopt something almost made of solid gold.

After dismissing the students, Wilhelm looked at Simo beside him. "Instructor Simo, I understand your feelings and support your return to the country to fight against the invaders. To thank you for tirelessly cultivating so many outstanding snipers for us over the years, I have decided to send a team of snipers with you to join the fight against the invaders. Your current batch of students is about to graduate, right? Just take them with you, consider it their graduation exam." The intelligence department learned that Britain had sent secret envoys to the Soviet Union. Although the specific negotiation content was unknown, Wilhelm was prepared to teach the Soviets a lesson. "Director Schwartz, select two more teams of snipers to accompany Instructor Simo to Finland and fight against the invaders."

Simo gratefully saluted. "Thank you, Your Highness! When we drive away the invaders, I will return to serve the empire for a lifetime!"

Wilhelm nodded with a smile. "I'll be waiting for your triumphant return!"