Chapter 334 The Winter War (3)

Walter Model sat upright in his seat, looking out at the scenery outside.

Otto Moritz Walter Model was a German Army Field Marshal, renowned for his exceptional defensive capabilities, earning him the titles "Master of Defense" and "Fire Brigade Member." Model was a latecomer among the German Army Field Marshals, particularly known for adopting a defensive posture later in his career. His outstanding command skills allowed the German forces to maintain a stable defense along the extensive front lines, withstanding the powerful Soviet offensives for a remarkable five years. Even in retreat, it was an organized withdrawal, not a disorganized rout covering vast distances. Given the size of the German forces at that time, establishing such defensive lines over such an extended period was nearly impossible. Moreover, the defensive lines were not straight but curved, requiring more troops for effective defense. Model almost achieved an impossible task, earning him the well-deserved title of "Defense Master."

Therefore, Wilhelm dispatched him to Finland in an advisory role to assist in resisting the Soviet forces.

Although still an active-duty military officer, he was not wearing a military uniform at the moment; instead, he was dressed in a well-fitted suit. All personnel and items traveling to Finland this time were prohibited from having German labels, even the markings on the plane were changed to Finnish ones.

Model deeply appreciated this approach. Although there had been conflicts between the Soviet Union and Germany in the Spanish Civil War, it seemed not to have affected the cooperation between the two countries. In Germany's shipyards, there were even two Soviet aircraft carriers nearing completion. Moreover, overtly supporting Finland against the Soviet Union in the face of the impending attack on Britain seemed to be a delicate situation.

He couldn't help but steal a glance at the girl sitting across from him. This girl named Sofia appeared to be around twenty-five or six, possessing superior looks and figure. However, with his military intuition, he suspected that this attractive girl had undoubtedly taken lives, and the number of lives in her hands was probably not small.

He didn't understand why His Highness Wilhelm personally arranged this girl as his secretary on their way to Finland. His Highness Wilhelm only mentioned that she had a "special mission."

Just as he was lost in thought, the plane had already landed at a military airfield in Finland. The one there to welcome him was none other than the Marshal of the Armed Forces of Finland, Carl Gustaf Mannerheim.

Carl Gustaf Mannerheim was a Finnish military and political figure, holding the title of Baron. He served as the leader of the White Army during the Finnish Civil War and later became the Commander-in-Chief of the Finnish Defense Forces during World War II. Mannerheim was the highest-ranking military figure in Finnish military history, ultimately attaining the title of "Finnish Marshal." He also served as the Regent of Finland (1918 to 1919) and the 6th President (1944 to 1946).

Model forcefully suppressed the urge to salute when he descended from the plane, smiling as he extended his hand. "Thank you, Your Excellency, for personally coming to welcome me. It's truly an honor. But didn't we agree that this trip was supposed to be a secret?" Well, Marshal coming personally to greet them, what kind of secret was this?

Mannerheim warmly shook Model's hand. "Thanks for your country's helping hand in our time of need. I'm here just to express our gratitude."

After exchanging pleasantries, the two got into a car, and Mannerheim directly asked, "General Model, how do you view the war that is about to break out?"

"The odds of your country winning are zero," Model glanced at him and bluntly stated. "His Highness Wilhelm didn't send me here to drive away the invaders. It's more about inflicting as much damage as possible, and then, when your country appears victorious, voluntarily showing weakness, ceding some land, signing a ceasefire agreement or something similar to delay. When the time is right, launch a counteroffensive and reclaim the lost territory."

Mannerheim opened his mouth but took a while before asking, "When would be the right time?"

Model gave a very clear answer. "Three years. His Highness promises that within three years, you can reclaim the lost land. During this time, your country can mobilize, strengthen your forces, and enhance training."

"Three years..." Mannerheim looked out the window, lost in thought.

Model didn't say anything more. If this Marshal wasn't a fool, he should understand the gap between the Soviet Union and Finland. At this time, Finland had a population of up to 3.7 million, while the Soviet Union alone could mobilize over three million troops. Winning against them would require every Finnish soldier to be a superhuman.

Thinking of superhumans, Model couldn't help but sigh softly. Coming here, he might miss several issues of his beloved superhero comics.

The convoy quickly entered the city and arrived at the presidential palace. Model, looking out the window, couldn't help but exhale. These Finns had some sense; they didn't make a grand welcoming ceremony. The convoy circled to the back entrance and quietly entered the presidential palace.

"Welcome, friends from Germany." President Kallio didn't engage in much small talk, as no one had the mood to waste time on pleasantries at this moment. "I presume General, you're aware of the Soviet Union gathering forces. This war could break out at any moment. I wonder what kind of assistance your country can provide us? We need as much support as possible!"

Model didn't hold back and promptly listed the aid package he brought. "This time, I've brought 50 anti-tank rifles, 100 anti-tank guns, and 50 field guns. There are also fifty thousand submachine guns, along with a substantial amount of other weapons and ammunition."

"That's fantastic!" Kallio and Mannerheim were immediately excited after hearing about Germany's aid supplies. This was exactly what they needed the most at the moment!

However, Model's words obviously weren't finished. "We can also provide an air fleet. Considering your country doesn't have the time to train pilots, we'll provide pilots and ground crew as well. The number of aircraft is approximately a hundred. Moreover, if the war situation doesn't look optimistic, we'll dispatch three to four mountain divisions to Finland for combat. However, on the surface, this support all comes from Spain, unrelated to us Germans." As most of Finland's terrain is mountainous, sending mountain divisions could also provide them with practical combat training.

President Kallio excitedly shook Model's hand, expressing his gratitude. "Germany is indeed Finland's good friend, the only country willing to extend a helping hand to us in our time of need." Finland only had a mere 114 old-fashioned planes, and now the sudden increase in the number of aircraft naturally thrilled him.

With everything said that needed saying, Model pondered for a moment and remembered one more thing. "Accompanying me this time is Simo Häyhä from your country."

"Simo Häyhä? Who is that?" Finnish President looked puzzled and turned to the Commander-in-Chief beside him, only to find that he wore the same bewildered expression.

Seeing both of them confused, Model had no choice but to explain. If it weren't for His Highness Wilhelm, he himself wouldn't know who Simon Häyhä was. "Simo Häyhä is a soldier from your military. He came to Germany a few years ago to participate in a shooting competition. His Highness Wilhelm noticed him and had him stay as a shooting instructor. At that time, His Highness even arranged for him to be on leave through the embassy."

With his explanation, the Commander-in-Chief suddenly recalled, "Oh, I seem to have some impression. I was still serving as the Chief of Staff at the time. Indeed, there was such a thing. It's almost ten years ago; I almost forgot."

"..." After all, holding a high position, dealing with so many daily affairs, who would have the leisure to remember an insignificant private? "He is currently an instructor at the German Guard Sniper Academy. This time, he also brought along three squads of snipers, totaling 150."

"That's great!" Mannerheim was ecstatic. He knew how terrifying the German snipers were during the last war. Now, with 150 snipers arriving all at once, they would undoubtedly deliver a heavy blow to the Soviets.