Girls' night

Lilaac's POV

I'm mad , really really mad . I'm so mad at Diane and at myself too. At her for playing me as a fool and at myself for ever thinking that she'd seriously agree so easily. I should've known better. That girl has a reputation for playing around with people's feelings. What makes me think that she'd actually care about this ? I'm also mad that her reasoning makes a lot of sense. Like every single person knows she's heartbreaker and won't stay loyal to anyone. It's obvious Hector will figure it out that she never actually love him . My plan was futile from the very start. It was bound to fail . But I really wish she'd point it out earlier instead of stringing me along and getting hopes up on some petty revenge. Yes I know it's petty. A guy left me for a prettier girl and didn't even bother to give me something as little as an apology. It's life and people won't stay forever. I get all that . And I know using Diane to mess him up won't bring him back to me , even if he did come back it won't be because he loves me . I know this is childish and unnecessary but I just wanted a little satisfaction. But I guess she's right too. It's better this way . I shouldn't involve myself with that jerk anymore . I'm better than that . That's it , there's no need to be mad . I'm over this . Such little things shouldn't have to bother me .

" Don't tell me you're still mad about earlier! Grow up dude . Stop being a whiny bitch." Diane said as soon as she returned from wherever she went earlier. Ok there goes my composure.

" Maybe I'm a whiny bitch but you know what you are ? You're a flaky bitch breaking your promise like it's nothing and a mean bitch judging me for being upset about your behaviour." I snapped at her . I spend so long to calm myself down but she came and ruin it all .

" Woah ! It seems you need some space ." She replied as she walked out .

I just sit there not knowing what to say . Maybe I'm too harsh but she really gets on my nerves. I'm done being the good girl . If she wanna hate me because of this , I'm fine with it . I will not give in this time .

Diane return about half an hour later. U decided to ignore her and kept playing on my phone . I could sense her leaving something on my table though. I could hear her fidgeting around repeatedly.

" What do you want Diane?" I sighed looking up from my phone

" Well .. I don't usually do this but I want to apologise. I understand why you're mad and I'm sorry about calling you a whiny bitch. I brought you some snacks. I hope we can make peace... that and I'll give you some space . See you tomorrow ." She said starting to walk away .

" Tomorrow? Where are you gonna spend the night? " I asked recalling how she had a fever last time .

" I have a lot of places to crash the night. Don't worry about it ." She said smiling.

" Can't you just stay here ? I kinda find it scary to be all alone . I just got here , you see." I smiled trying to break the awkward atmosphere.

She agreed and we actually spend the rest of the night making small talks about all kind of things.It was like a girls night except it's just the two of us and we're in the dorm instead of outside. But still it's really fun hanging out with her .

I think I can understand why people are so drawn to her . It's really fun talking with her when we aren't at each other's throat. When she's not annoying, she's really attractive. I believe she could pull suitors even without her preety face . I really look forward to knowing her better . There's this mysterious vibe around here . She's unpredictable and I feel like there is something hidden beneath all her demeanor because she feels a little different from the type of girl I expect her to be or like the rumour tells . I could be wrong but I wanna find out for sure . Is this really her true self ?