Not so pleasant day

Diane's POV

The classes took longer than usual today. I would've taken a nap between the classes if I'd known they'd take this long . My whole body is aching already, I can't wait to reach my bed and just sleep for a long long time.

Sometimes I wish I'd just sleep forever. How nice would that be ? Forgetting all the world's problems and just sleep and sleep. I wonder how people will react if I just dead suddenly.

Will they even remember me ? And even if they did , for how long ? Will anyone be sad that I'm gone ? And most importantly how will my parents react? Will they be happy they don't have to deal with me anymore? Will they be sad ? Even if it's just for a moment. I certainly don't think they'll miss me though. Heck I doubt they'll even notice my absence. After all I'm just a nuisance to both of them . A part of their life they don't to remember anymore.