Mansion Exploration (5) - Vampire Blood?

Alex was unrecognizable. This wasn't the first time such a transformation had occurred, but he couldn't pinpoint the reason! The last time, he had been captured by Samantha and had gone without feeding for a long time, transforming into a bloodthirsty vampire.


However, this didn't seem to be the same phenomenon. Was it because his health was low? Or was it due to some other factor?


Alex's back arched, and his nails transformed into long, black claws sharper than blades. His eyes turned completely red, and his face seemed to contort into something horrifying.


His tongue elongated, becoming so long that he could use it to attack others and intoxicate them with his venom. He resembled more of a Wendigo, utterly terrifying.


Joseph, who was witnessing everything, became completely paralyzed with fear.


"W-What the hell happened?" Joseph stammered as he stepped back, taking a few paces away.