Looking for Available Shop Locations (2)

The first location that caught his attention was right in front of the supposed magical circle where the players would teleport to. It was a two-story wooden building with a courtyard area, and even a tiny workshop in the back.


"This looks good. What do you think?" Alex asked Judith.


"I think this is a good building, like the structure and all, but aren't we a little far from the other shops? Not that I am complaining, I just want to know."


Alex did not see a reason to lie to her, so he said, "Did you see that circle? I believe it will turn into a teleportation thing for the new blessed adventurers, like myself. This might be an awesome place to set the shop. Every single adventurer who teleports to the city will see our shop as the first thing!"


"What? Really? I heard powerful wizards could create such platforms for teleportation, but that's only for the biggest cities, and not for something like Crystal!" Judith said.