Run, Jhin

The forest was a place for hunters to prey on their prey. Alex had to stop multiple times to deal with wolves with snake tails, plants that moved, and even a walking fish near the river. That was one of the strangest things he had seen.


"Shadow Strike!"


"Shadow Strike!"


Shadow Strike, Alex's skill, was used multiple times during his search for the blue creatures. The deeper he went into the forest, more monsters appeared to attack him. 


But not all of it was bad. The monsters had a level ranging from 20 to 25, and the higher leveled monsters gave Alex more experience points. Every time the body of one of the monsters fell, and the notification of experience popped in front of Alex, he overjoyed himself.


More, more, more. The more monsters he killed, the more he forgot about his initial task, which was to follow the two blueish lady creatures.