A Shrine?

The way Alaric talked was as if he did not care, indifferent to whether Alex would die in front of him or not. That was the type of person he was. Alex, however, was not scared. As a player, death was something he wished to avoid, but not something he feared. Alaric would regret his actions.


"You look too calm for someone who is about to die. Why is that?" Alaric asked, an evil smile stamped on his face.


"I'm just glad my friend left. This gives me some peace of mind in this turmoil."


"Yes, sure."


The door to the carriage swung open, and a muscular man with an ax appeared, "Boss, are you alright? Need some help?"


It was one of the many bandits who worked under Alaric's command.


"No need. This will be quick."