Eldryn's Power (1)

"You serious?" Alex said.


"Absolutely, Shadowborn. I don't joke about these things. Now, listen to the plan."


Alex still couldn't believe the words coming from the director, whom he now knew as Eldryn. Eldryn was confident that he could bring Khalita back to life without any side effects or something like zombification, proving just how powerful Eldryn was.


The power to resurrect a person using magic was immense, and not even the most powerful clerics in the church could do something like that. Who exactly was Eldryn? Alex was starting to wonder about his age! For him, it was impossible for someone to become such a powerful and influential mage at such a young age.


'He's definitely hiding his appearance using magic. He must be an old man!' Alex thought.


The two then formulated a plan regarding the cultists who were trying to take over the school.