Killing, and Level up

The sight of just one player walking toward them wouldn't normally send shivers down their spines, even if it was a renowned figure like Alex. Backstab and Kenji, recognized as stalwarts of the server, cast imposing shadows with their formidable skills. Their levels surpassed even that of Alex himself, making them towering figures in the virtual realm. For them, the prospect of facing off against Alex posed no significant threat.

But the situation they found themselves in now was far from ideal. Their health points dwindled precariously low, and the mana reserves of their mages had been thoroughly depleted. With potions rendered ineffective due to cooldowns, they stood vulnerable and exposed, teetering on the brink of defeat.

"What are you doing, Shadowborn? Are you itching for a fight? We outnumber you four to one!" Kenji's voice boomed, a blend of bravado and caution echoing through the virtual expanse.